The Ancient Language: Revealed

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Now that you have gotten this far in the story, certain phrases can be revealed that Garyth spoke. Without further ado:

Aris cyril - "I'm sorry."

 - Garyth's last words to Kuban Whiterose in Prologue I

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Au'cot karje ai crisaesun - "You may not kill the guardians."

 - Spoken by Garyth to the Demon Army in chapter 18 of book 2.

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Dei fei pol ai hysni, seni cervis xymai. Dei ic kiiru auman bur aaz auman, keiro auman vaus raya cervis mai Dargon - "They will know the truth, at all cost. They may hate me or curse me, but I bear it all for Dargon."

 - The last two lines of Part IV, spoken by Garyth.

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