Stella's Description

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Bonjour! My name is, Stella. 

I'm slightly over eighteen (But, I act two) and when I was eight my parents were arrested right in front of me, yep, without a chance to even process it, I was a child, how would I have ever thought that everything would be the same after my parents were sat on steps and given 'the talk' instead of them giving the talk to me? It's helpless to even think that maybe, there was hope or maybe there wasn't, and with me, I'm sort of leaning to the wasn't.. 

 guys with enormous guns and bulletproof vests came barging through my front door. But why would we have guns to the point where we'd use them? At least that's what I thought they were here for. But of course, being my family and the red-necks we are, we have to keep everything in stock; guns, dogs, birds, fish, bait for them, everything, but of course, I live in goodole' Kentucky.

But, when I was eleven, I figured out why my parents were snatched from my grip, and that was because, yep. You've guessed it; drugs. When you start out middle school your parents are supposed to drive you to school, kiss you on the cheek, give you a little paper bag, & tell you that if you make friends "we can go get ice cream later!" 

Or maybe you spend it in a court room seeing your parents in orange and handcuffs, and hearing your parents have 19 more years in prison because allegedly they had 19 heroin dots on them when they were seized. But, hey. I've grown to jumping from house to house with my little brother since then, (He's 7.) asking me almost everyday "Where is mom, and dad?" but every time you turn around you have the same excuses. "At the store" or "they're on vacation" because heaven forbid, he's too young to know that his parents are criminals, but it doesn't mean anything, right? You're own family was too sad to see you go after the 75th house, so they take you in, tell you how it's all going to go down after hearing over 150 rules in all 75 houses.

 But, my dad doesn't even have the decency to call me to tell me how the paints drying in there. Or how orange is suddenly his new color, or the fact that all he cares about is how much money he'll have when he's out or how many tv's 'he thinks he can store in his basement' and he doesn't want to talk about anything other than how he almost dropped the soap, and how if he did he would of had to give his stale bagel to the guy sitting next to him in the cafeteria for two weeks. And, if my brother got in trouble at school for flushing a whole role of toilet paper down the toilet and he went see him for discipline it would be 'okay' or 'alright', but it's not, at ALL. 

 But, I think my mom likes me the most, because she tries to call me everyday despite the lack of money on her "Card" that I just so happenly have to pay for every month and when she calls and it does answer, she yells at me for being a mean sister when I tell my brother to be quiet so that I can hear her clearer, but I should be yelling at her because she was the one who threw us in the garbage over some dope she could've gotten cheaper from her 4025th drug dealer down the street, but she'll blame it on me because I didn't tell her about it. Then again, it's not so peachy when I say that maybe this was the best decision for her, but yet, she goes on and on about how, when she gets out her life is going to be different from then on, but you can already see the future needle dots on her.

 It's so sad that a 7 year old boy learned this before anyone in his class and gave a speech to the officers that arrested my parents. "You have no right to take my mom and dad, what they did was wrong, yeah, but that doesn't mean they can't still love us." Where does a 7 year old get that from? Oh, yeah his half conscious parents sitting on the outside steps who are still buzzed from the last time they breathed in powder or put new infused 'blood' in their veins. And for me, it's so hard to have raise a child that even isn't mine and when they come back, I'll practically be his mom, But what parents don't get is that, it's true. If a child is in danger and all you want to do is sit in chair and shoot up, you do deserve to be incarcerated. Or maybe, she needed some love, like us. Going after the first thing in her eyesight.

But, have you ever seen a drunk, high, stupid parent? You think "Wow, I feel bad for her." Try living with one for 8 years. I passed the 10 year mark of not having parents a couple of months ago. Great! New record.. Not. I got off topic, I'm sorry. But, it's just sad having to go to school and hearing my teacher say, "I need you to call your mom," or "did you do anything with your family this weekend/over break?" 'mom'? 'family'? yeah, it pains you in the heart. Not a lot of people know about this 'incident' except for Blake, Cameron, Nicholas, and Arrow. And honestly, I hope it truly stays that way, because I'm an asshole, and if people find out, all Hell will break lose, so.. and that is definitely not good...

I'm so sorry for being a pain in the ass, just thought I'd say this to give you some thanks for reading about my not so, but very much so, messed up perfect life. :) 

-*-*-*-*- Author's NooooOooOte -*-*-*-*-


Also, if you want to check me out; 

instagram; deesirae        twitter; hearteyedjack        snapchat; helllaarad

word count; 1,060 words (-;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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