Chap. 1- The (Tragic) Beginning

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"Shae. Wake up." I awoke to my dad's gentle yet firm voice. "Mm." I grunted. "It's a Saturday. Why do I have to wake up now? Its only- oh. 10 o'clock."

I forced myself out of bed. "Morning dad." I said groggily, still waking up. I looked up at my dad. He had a sad expression on his face. "What's wrong dad?" I asked.

"Sweetie, there's something your mom and I need to talk to you about." he replied. We walked out to the living room. What do they need to talk to me about? Did they find out about the D on my math test? That's all I could think of.

My dad sat next to my mom and grabbed her hand.

"Honey." My mom said. "Lately I havent been feeling very good, so the other day I went to the doctor and got tested for some diseases, and they all came back negative except for one. Cancer. Stomach cancer."

My heart dropped. And if it's even possible, it fell through the floor. How could my mom have cancer? What has she ever done to deserve this? What if she.... Dies?

"Shea honey? Are you ok? It'll be ok. It'll be hard, but we'll work together as a family to get through this. There's going to be a lot of hospital visits and doctor appointments for me, so I won't be able to take you to school sometimes. You'll have to ride the bus." my mom stated.

"Ok." I replied. I couldn't say anything else.

"Let's have a family hug." my dad suggested. We squeezed together.

After the hug, downstairs. My mind was racing. I didnt know what to do, how to handle the intense emotions. Without thinking twice, I grabbed a sharp kitchen knife and sprinted to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and drew a line of blood on my forearm with the knife. As the blade got closer to my elbow I increased the pressure until blood was oozing out of my arm uncontrollably.

"SHEA WHAT THE HELL?!?" my dad screamed. He grabbed the knife and frantically called 911.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2013 ⏰

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