Chapter 2

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Enjoy 😉


Baxter wanted us to wait with him for his girl, Jess. They have been together for two years now I think I don't really know. I don't keep up with that type of stuff. We were all talking about the races tonight. When I hear Jess telling someone to play nice or something. I look to see who she is talking about when I see this girl with black hair blue eyes. I noticed she has a busted lip and a bruise on her cheek. I can't help myself but to stare. Who would do that? Why? Bax is saying something but I don't hear him. He's probably telling us her name because she just smiled and nodded. She looked like she didn't want to be around us. We all talked for a minute, well not her she just stood there in her own world. "BABBBEE" I mentally roll my eyes at the voice I know to well. I see her whisper something into Jess's ear with a smirk and Jess lets out a small laugh before the girl walks away. Hmm okay then. I feel arms wrap around me, I look down to see Victoria in front of me. "What do you want Victoria?" I ask coldly. "Why do you have to be so mean to me?" She pouts her lips looking up at me. I pry her off of me. "We aren't together. We aren't friends. You are nothing more than a fuck." I say as I walk away from the group I hear my friends laugh a little bit. I get to my next class and sit in the back like always. It's the same thing everyday and it gets beyond boring. It's like a loop here. Someone does something the whole school gossips about it for a day or two and then it's quiet for a day, then repeat. It's lame as hell. That's why I'm almost never here except for testing and other shit. I make my way through each class till it's lunch. I take my seat in the cafeteria. Everyone starts coming in and sitting down, talking and eating. I watch as Jess and her friend walk in. I notice Victoria gets up and walks towards them. I'm trying to figure out how this is going to play out. "Oh shit." I hear Baxter mumble under his breath. He starts to get up but I stop him. He looks at me with a pleading look. He sits down and looks towards them with worry on his face. Victoria smacks Jess's friend in the face and I notice a look in the girls eyes that's like fire. I see Jess's face filled with fear. All I see next is the girl on the floor with Victoria standing over her. Why didn't she fight back? Or do something? I nod at Baxter giving him the go ahead to stop it before it goes too far. I see Jess yelling at him and then him pointing at me and it's going back and forth. I didn't even notice that the girl had slipped out the door. Weird.

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