The Women Who (A)rose

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Once upon a time, in a little town known as Montblanc, there was a dragon that had all the inhabitants of the village terrified. The dragon was eating the farmer's cattle and the people feared going through a famine.

To stop the dragon from eating the cattle and keeping it in a good mood, the villagers decided to sacrifice themselves by casting lots. So every now and then, the dragon was given a person from town to eat.

One day, the King's daughter was the chosen one and, to everyone's sorrow, the dragon took her away.

When the dragon was about to eat the princess, she asked: Can I know your name at least?

My name is Kirigan - said the dragon, intrigued as the princess talked to him.

What is it that made you so angry at the world? – wondered the princess.

Your father and his soldiers have prosecuted my kind for years. My beloved mate died in the hands of the army's chief: George. – Kirigan's face was bathed in sadness as he recounted what happened.

I promise you, Kirigan, that when the time comes, I will avenge you and your equals, dragons will live freely and in peace. – said the princess confidently.

The dragon, surprised by the princess thoughtfulness, decided not to kill her. Besides, having someone to talk to was refreshing.

Lots of brave soldiers came to the rescue of the princess but failed. George was never among them.

Meanwhile, the princess and the dragon, thanks to their deep conversations, built a strong friendship.

One day, a short shadow appeared at the entrance of the dragon's cave. A hat was covering his face. But when taking some steps inside the cave, it was revealed she was a woman. She wasn't carrying a sword and didn't look scared at all.

The princess and the dragon stared at her, waiting for a movement. The woman raised her arm and directed a rose towards them. Then, she said: I have news from Montblanc. My beloved princess, the King died some weeks ago and George has placed himself as the new head of the kingdom. His desire is to marry you. – a look of disgust appeared on the woman's face - Sacred dragon, I came to plead you to free my princess.

The dragon was about to answer when the princess interrupted him: If George's desire to marry me is so strong, tell him to come personally. I will be waiting.

But a week went by and George never came. The only person to drop by the dragon's cave was, once again, the woman they had previously met.

Princess, you are the only one capable of leading Montblanc to greatness. The only sovereign the people will follow, rather than that self-centred soldier. Please, accept this rose in the name of the people and come back home.

You are the first person to come here not once, but twice, without a thing to defend yourself with. You are the first one who, instead of throwing an attack, has dared to talk to us. Ask everyone in Montblanc to meet at the palace's garden tomorrow at sunset. – said the princess.

The woman was about to leave when the princess stopped her. I would like you to inform the people that the dragon is very important to me and that they should not fear him. They can trust me. They can trust you.

The following day, all the people of Montblanc met in the gardens, as the woman had asked them to do. Saint George was sitting in a big throne in front of them all. As the sun began to disappear behind the horizon, a large shadow covered the sky. Saint George shrieked in terror and asked the people to prepare their weapons while he tried to sneak into the palace.

The dragon landed in front of him, cutting him off and pinning him down with one of its large legs.

The princess climbed down from Kirigan's back and addressed the people: People of Montblanc, as you have seen, the man who proclaimed himself your leader and sought to make me his wife is nothing but a coward. Among you, however, there is a woman who did not hesitate to come to me, who showed no fear and who tried to do the best for the people.

The woman made her way to the princess.

She brought me a rose, and I return it to her today, as a symbol of friendship and admiration. - said the princess holding out the flower - Dear people, I have discovered what life is like in freedom and I do not wish to be locked up inside the palace walls again. But here, in front of you, there is a woman more than capable of taking my place. What do you say?

The crowd began to applaud and chant the woman's name: Iris, the flower of hope and wisdom.

The dragon opened his mouth and tossed piles of thornless roses into the crowd as he took flight with the princess on his back and George on his paws.

From that day on, every 23rd of April, people began to exchange roses as a token of gratitude and love towards the two women who made the kingdom a better place.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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The Women Who (A)rose - A Saint George retellingWhere stories live. Discover now