Need You Now

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So I got the idea for this fic after listening to this song a few too many times. I love Matt Murdock and I love angst. I don't usually publish stuff because I think my writing is rubbish. If you have any constructive criticism I will gladly listen to it. (And any advice you might have to give as well)

"Picture perfect memories, scattered all around the floor"

Y/n was sitting on the couch going through photos in a scrapbook after her recent fight with her boyfriend. Well ex boyfriend now, the fight caused him to break up with her. She thought it was a silly argument. Y/n had accepted drinks from a guy at a bar while Matt, her ex, had been in the bathroom. She didn't realize that the guy was hitting on her because to her it just seemed like friendly conversation. After they came back home from the bar Matt brought it up and what should have been a simple conversation about how y/n didn't pick up on the flirting turned into Matt accusing her of not loving him.

"Reaching for the phone, 'cause I can't fight it any more"

She wants to pick up her phone and call him. She feels like she should apologize for everything that was said in their argument but y/n also feels like she didn't do anything wrong.

"And I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me, it happens all the time"

Y/n puts her phone on the charger and goes to bed, thinking about Matt. She wishes he was next to her. She doesn't get much sleep though. She wakes up at 1:15 am and grabs her phone. She starts dialing Matt's number but stops. Trying to keep her promise.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I've lost all control and I need you now"

Y/n said promised that she wouldn't bother him if he really felt she didn't love him. Here she was early in the morning holding her phone with his number pulled up but not dialing wondering if it would even do anything good to call him.

"And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now"

Y/n sighs, laying her phone down and trying to go back to sleep.
Another shot of whiskey, can't stop lookin' at the door
Wishing you'd come sweepin' in the way you did before"

On the other side of town in a bar. Matt Murdock, who would usually be running around town in his red daredevil suit is sitting in the bar downing shots of whiskey. He misses y/n and feels horrible for how he treated her. He wasn't drunk when they got home but he definitely wasn't sober either. He couldn't help the jealousy he felt when he had walked out of the bathroom and heard some guy talking to his girl.

"And I wonder if I ever cross your mind, for me, it happens all the time"

He hadn't gone out as daredevil because all he could do was think about y/n. He could barely focus on the case at the office. He felt he was letting Foggy down and decided to go to the bar to drink away his sorrows.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now"

Matt pays his tab then gets up walking toward y/n's house. He wanted to apologize, hoping she would take him back.

"Said I wouldn't call, but I've lost all control and I need you now"

Y/n kept tossing and turning not able to sleep well without Matt these past few days.

"And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now

They both wanted each other back but didn't know if the other gelt the same way. Y/n didn't want to break her promise and call him. Matt was halfway to her house.

"Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all"

As he rounded the corner he saw two people fighting in the alley, as he got closer he realized it was a larger man and a teenage girl. Matt put himself in the way letting the girl escape then beat the guy. The guy got a few good punches in on Matt so his face was a bit bloody. He walks through the alley and up the steps of Y/n's apartment building. He goes and knocks on the door.

"It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now"

Y/n jumps hearing the knock not knowing who it is. It was around 2:30 am now and she definitely wasn't expecting anyone. She grabs a knife from the kitchen and walks to the door. She opens it seeing Matt all bloody.

"And I said I wouldn't call, but I'm a little drunk and I need you  now"

Matt, "y/n..." he slurred his words slightly, being a little more than tipsy. "Matt." She looks at him examining his face to see how bad the wounds were. "I'm sorry, I was just jealous and...I-" She sighs "let's talk when you aren't drunk, ok? Right now let me clean your face off. She walks him over to the couch then goes and gets a first aid kit to clean him up.

"And I don't know how I can do without, I just need you now
I just need you now"

After cleaning him up she goes to her room leaving him to sleep on the couch. She sleeps a bit better knowing that he has something he wants to say to her. After they both get some rest and Matt isn't drunk anymore they sit on the couch together. "Y/n, I was jealous and tipsy and I was angry at the dude that bought you that drink because you're my were my girl. I shouldn't have said what I did. I love you and I know you loved me too. I just hope you still love me."

"Oh, baby, I need you now"

Y/n doesn't say anything, instead she grabs Matt's face and pulls him into a kiss. "I do love you, Matt, I really do"

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