Chapter 21

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Alex's Pov the next morning.

"Kid, wake up" I was woken up to "what, it's to early" I say then the blanket was ripped off me "yeh" I say standing up quickly.

"Good, get ready, we're going for breakfast" Jason says as he walks out, prison life is hard man, well yeh it's meant to be.

I fix my hair and splash cold water on my face to waken myself up, then I made my way down to breakfast, and the breakfast  tastes like shit to, well all the food tastes like shite, shite would actually be nicer.

"Your fighting tonight, don't be late" the guard at the door says to me "yeh yeh, keep your hair on" I say under my breath, I mean he already has lost it all.

"Game face on tonight, aye" Denzel says as I sit beside him "aye. So did any of you find out who those people were yesterday" I ask.

"Some are saying, it was the mayors daughter" Hudson says, wait Charlotte "what was she doing here" I ask acting confused "some people are saying that her boyfriend, was put here" he says which I laugh at a bit.

"He must be a lowlife" I say as I eat my stail fucking cereal with my head down.

Charlotte's Pov

It's the next day, and I decided to go home, well I have to go home. My dad is going away somewhere tonight, mum is going out with my aunt and no clue where Oliver is, probably with his girlfriend.

I get dropped off at my house by Alexander and there was another car there "who's car is that" Alexander asks me "I don't know, I've never seen it before" I say opening the door "I'll text you if I find out anything more" I say to Alexander then I close the door.

I make my way inside, and it was very quiet to quiet.

"Oh, Charlotte you're home" dad say surprised as he walked up to the door "yeh, you asked me remember" I say with a duh tone "where were you last night" he asks as he fixes his tie in the mirror.

"I stayed with Alexander last night, he broke his foot" I say making it more dramatic "oh right, well I hope his foot heals quickly, for their upcoming match, to be entered into the school league" he says.

"Yeh, it's just a pity one of their best players  won't be there, Alex" I say and the smile was wiped off his face quick "well, if she wasn't a silly little girl, she wouldn't be in prison" he says.

"She didn't even fucking kill him" I say loudly "I'm not having this conversation with you again, I have to get to the fight, office I mean" he slips, mhm what does he mean by fights.

Wait, where Alex is there's boxing isn't there, but what does he know about boxing or fighting.

"Whatever" I say then I make my way up to my room, when I get up to my room I quickly run over to the window to see who this man is.

After about two minutes I see my dad walk out, and then the man gets out of the car, who is this man. He was wearing a black suit like my father.

They both shook hands and talked, then they got into my fathers car, bingo.

I walk over to my bed and pull out my laptop, I put a tracker in my fathers car a long time ago, finally it comes to a good use.

I then pull my phone out to call Alexander.

"Hey Charlotte" Alexander says as he answers "hey can you come pick me up, I have something that could help us get Alex" I say down the phone "ok, on my way" he says then hanging up.

After a few minutes I hear a car pull up, then Bri came running into my room, shit I forgot about her.

"Charlotte, there's someone outside" she says as she clings to my side "yeh I know, It's Alexander, go get shoes on your coming with us" I say then Bri runs off to get her shoes on.

I quickly make my way down stairs to Alexander "what's up" he asks "don't talk here, god knows it could be bugged" I say then Bri makes her way down.

"Hey Bri" Alexander says then she runs over to him and jumps into his arms, Bri always loved Alexander since she was young, I mean we have been friends since like 5.

"Where are we going" Bri asks Alexander "we're going to the shop" Alexanders say, wait what.

"What" I ask confused then Alexander gives me a look to shut up, so then we made our way out to his car and drive to a convenience store.

Once we got there Alexander gave Bri thirty dollars "buy what ever you want with this money, and keep the change, but don't tell your parents ok" Alexander asks and Bri had a big smile on her face.

Then she jumped out of the car and ran into the store.

"Ok, show me what you found" Alexander asks "oh yeh, so I found out that dad is going out tonight to watch some fight tonight, and who else is fighting tonight, Alex" I say and Alexander shakes his head.

"Wait, he just told you this" he asks "no it slipped out, and I also got his location. If we can find out when Alex's next fight is we can go and watch it as normal people and find a way to get Alex out" I say and Alexander has a very surprised look on his face.

"Wow" was all he could say.

Back with Alex's Pov.

"Remember keep your head low, and don't keep yourself open to much, and find weak spots" Jason says as I change into a different pair of shorts and sports bra "yes, I will" I say then I step out.

"Good, now move it, Blackwell" the guard says then putting a bag over my head and pushing me out.

I couldn't see where I was going of course, with the bag over my head but then I saw a pile of light, and cheering.

Then the bag was ripped off my head and I was pushed into like a underground area thing, with a plat form and people standing on top.

As I was looking up I saw, Mr Williamson, what is he doing here.

But I was cut short of my tour by a punch to the jaw, I look over and it's fucken Paul again, does this man ever give me a break.

I know how the boys were saying about how the audience wants to see blood, I don't give a shit what they want, I want to stay in one piece and intact thank you very much.

He was going to hit me again, but I ducked then gave him right hook, causing his to stumble back.

"Good to see you Paul" I say "fuck you" he says spitting out blood "whoops" I say then he came charging towards me, but I simply move at the last second and he goes head first into the wall, god this man in so idiotic.

Then he got himself up and made his way over to me again, trying to right hook me again, but I dodge and then give him a left hook, then a quick upper cut knocking him out.

Then I heard boo's from the crowd that the fight was over so soon, then I look over to the warden and he has a pissed expression.

Well fuck him.

YAYYYY doneeee see y'all in the next chapter.

BYE xx    

- WGW.

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