07 || Other Plans

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tw: language, bad writing skills

Goob sat down at a small picnic table upstairs on the bleach floor, his elbows on top of the table. It was 7:37, 7 minutes past the time the date was supposed to be. He was a bit late, but Shrimpo hadn't shown up. Maybe he was still getting ready. Goob looked around, taking in the details and theme of the floor. It was floor 16, which was 5 floors above their bedrooms and kitchen on floor 11. He wondered just how often Shrimpo came here since it was a pretty unused area, and Shrimpo seemed like the type of person to stay in his room and talk shit about people behind their backs. Goob checked a wall clock on the corner of the wall. Time seems to pass by quickly since it was now 8:02. He had no clue what he did in the past 20ish minutes and had no clue where Shrimpo was and when he would get to floor 16. "He'll be here soon. He's just getting ready. He's taking his time to look good for our first night out." He thought out loud, his voice lower and quiet. He looked around, noticing the elevator door was opening. It was Vee, wearing a pair of pajama pants and a loose t-shirt. It was.. Shelly's top? Huh, that's cool. Vee looked over at Goob, raising an eyebrow. "The fuck are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in bed?" She questioned, sounding awfully suspicious of him. Goob chuckled a bit, looking away awkwardly. "Oh, I'm waiting for someone.. they're just running a tad bit late." He responded quietly, trying to play it as if he had only been out there for a few minutes. Vee was still suspicious, but she just shrugged her suspicions off. "Aight. I'll go then, don't wanna interrupt or anything." She stated before hitting another button on the elevator, the doors closing. The number above the elevator doors decreasing back to 11. A few moments later, it went down again to floor 5. Goob didn't pay much attention, getting bored again since the only person he's seen in an hour or two just left. He checked the time again after a while of waiting. It was 8:56 already? They were supposed to meet an hour and a half ago. He put his head on the table, his arms around his head. "..maybe he forgot. I'm just not important." Goob murmured, closing his eyes for a bit. He was tired. Maybe he could close his eyes for a bit, and time would go by quickly, and when he opened them again, Shrimpo would be there. One eye closed, then the other. Time passed by slower. What seemed like hours to Goob as he was asleep was barely a few minutes. He woke up to the sound of a ding coming from the elevator. He wiped his face off quickly from the tears that had formed in his sleep, wondering who it was. Goob's vision was blurry since he had just woken up from what small sleep he had, but he could tell it was Shrimpo. "..Shrimpo?" He questioned, sitting up. Shrimpo stood there, breathing heavily as he stepped slowly out of the elevator. Goob stood up, meeting Shrimpo halfway. "What took you so long..? I thought you canceled.." He spoke in a soft whisper, a few more tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. Shrimpo quickly became teary-eyed as well, pulling Goob by the waist and hugging him tighter than before, as if his life depended on it. "I- I am so, so sorry.. forgive me, please. I got caught up in things, and-" He managed to get out before going quiet, mumbling unintelligible words. Both stayed silent for a moment, trying to regain their trains of thought. Shrimpo looked up to find Goob still smiling, even if there were a few tears on his face. "..shouldn't you be mad?" Shrimpo inquired, wondering why he wasn't getting the literal shit talked out of him. Goob seemed a bit confused, shaking his head slightly. "Oh, why would I do that..? It's okay, you were just stressed.." He responded in a loving tone, quickly returning to what seemed like his normal self. Like he usually would, he held his arms back around Shrimpo, making the embrace complete instead of just one-sided. Shrimpo started leading the two of them back to the wooden table. Both sat down, arms still wrapped around each other. "Is there, ahem.. any way I can make up for it? Maybe we can reschedule..?" He asked, feeling like his heart would literally explode in a few seconds. Goob thought for a moment, taking a deep breath in. "..I know something we can do, if you're okay with it of course." He responded after a bit of hesitation, unsure if Shrimpo would want to do anything this late at night. An odd silence fell between them as Shrimpo tried to think of what a good response would be. He eventually nodded, wiping his face off using his shoulder. "Yeah, sure, wha-" He began, once again being cut off. He had no idea what he was getting himself in.. Goob moved closer, bringing both of them together. He slowly met Shrimpo's lips with his own, having to lean down. He felt a bit unusual, as he usually didn't, y'know, start these kinds of things. Goob was a bit too glad, feeling Shrimpo take more control over the situation. (no way he was bottoming, never again. war flashbacks..) His body leaned back along with Shrimpo's leaning forward, holding him down. Goob pulled back a bit, taking a quick breath. Shrimpo spoke up again.

"Y'know.. a picnic table isn't the best spot.. right?"


"Correct.. now come on, love~"

968 words

if I have to push back the smut one more time I'm gonna go insane. I promise it's next chapter🙏🙏 if it's not, please knock down my door and raid my home. thanks:3

with love,

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