9.Elias The knight 🧚🏼‍♀️

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Ned,Alex and the knight walk slowly down the road after Ned places the illusion once again. The night is quiet and is filled with the sound of crickets.

In silence they walk to Alex's cottage.

" I'll leave you here now," Ned said with his hands behind his back.

" Where are you going?" Alex asks.

" I have to head back to the palace and report back to the king that shadow creatures were close to our kingdom." Ned said.

Alex nods in understanding.

" And when I get back we're going to discuss how you got out. I haven't forgotten about that." Ned said.

Alex laughs awkwardly.

" I trust the knight will keep you company," Ned said looking at the knight." Bye now," Ned said and disappears.

Without a word the knight walks in.

" So....hi," Alex said trying to die down that awkward moment of silence.

" It's okay kid,we can just be silent," The knight said.

" But I don't want to be silent," Alex said. " I want to have a man to man,mature adult conversation with you," Alex said putting on a pompous face.

" Trust me kid,you do not want to have a...' matured' conversation with me," the knight said as he air quotes matured and tries to hide his mischievous smile.

" Why not? I mean it's just about politics,sports,the future...and maybe talk about where we'll end up after death," Alex said.

" O....Kay," The knight said and chuckles.

" So... What's your name?" Alex asked innocently.

" My name is Elias,knight of Alexandria," He said with his chest out and in a noble tone.

" Okay Elias,tell me about your kingdom. As you may know I don't go out much so...," Alex says. He closes the door and sits on a stool by the wall.

The knight sighs and sits.

" My kingdom was well.... definitely something"

Alex smiles and leans in intrigue.

" The castle was mighty,we have a lot of waterfalls, trees, diamonds,gold and other precious stones. As a people we were one. We didn't leave anyone behind,we loved and cherished each other," Elias said.

" That's the same here," Alex contributes.

" But now everything's gone. Everything's consumed in darkness," Elias said looking lost in space. His muscles tightening in rage.

Alex face goes soft with pity and sadness.

"So many kingdoms have fallen into the void's darkness. I believe that Khaleria is the last surviving kingdom. And know doubt, he will come here," Elias said, looking at Alex with a serious look.

" But why is he doing this though?," Alex asked.

Elias sighs.

" Everytime he raids a town he sucks other people's powers and converts it to darkness... because he's looking for the power he knows that can stop him," Elias said.

" But the only power that can do that is..."

" ....the power of light...which unfortunately you have ," Elias completes the statement.

" So he's doing all this because of me?," Alex asks.

" The reason for his acts are unknown...we don't know his full story. We can only depend on the little knowledge we have of him," Elias said. " And maybe that's why your mother decided you should be hidden," he added.

" But being hidden didn't solve anything. They should have trained me to face this so called. Bliod!.....

"...void," Elias corrected.

" Things are done for a reason. And hopefully,I hope you find the answers to your questions. I know this might a lot to drop on you," Elias said softly.

" At least I'm not fully in the dark anymore. When Ned comes back he is going to answer a ton of questions," Alex said.

" And while you do that...I have to get ready," Elias said getting up.

" Ready for what?," Alex asks.

" Ready to fight for my kingdom back," Elias said picking up his armor.

" Are you out of your mind!?," Alex said standing up too abruptly." You can't go back there to fight. You'll be dead!," Alex said.

" But I have to try. I took an oath as a knight to fight and defend my kingdom no matter what. And even if it's me against a thousand void soldiers,I will fight!,

" I might be new to this void guy,but even I know if you go back you'll be toast," Alex said trying to win him over.

" That is why I'm going to ask Ned to give any magical weapon available. That's the best chance I have to set my kingdom free from his clutches," Elias said.

" What if you go back and meet those shadowy creatures again?," Alex asked.

" I'll fight them!," Elias said boldly.

" You and Ned together couldn't even beat two together..what are the odds you're going to be able to fend off numerous shadowy creatures," Alex said.

" Bottom line is... I'm going back.. whether you like it or not....


A/N : Hello,I hope you liked this chapter..
Please vote,share and comment.

And also I think I'll be going back to updating daily...

Thank you reading 💕🧚🏼‍♀️
Until next time 💕🧚🏼‍♀️

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