mystery person (3)

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Harold has added one user.

Gwen: Um isnt this GC for TD contestants 

Harold: let them stay anonymously pretty please

Heather: why..

Harold: Cus I said so idk

???: hi

Noah: Oh great they're dry

Courtney: Hello !!!

???: I've never had a mobile phone before sorry I'm not good at socializing

Duncan: did Harold add his grandma or something

Harold: for the last time NO.. he's who i was teaching to use a phone

Duncan: who in this universe doesn't know how to use a mobile phone atp

???: I was very sheltered

Duncan: HOW sheltered 

???: I've never watched a cartoon before i moved in with my roommate i didn't even know what one was

Cody: NOOO someone get this guy some proper TV NOWW

Harold: dw i did

Cody: ur such a lifesaver this is why if i wasn't taken i'd want u

Noah: excuse me what

Cody: Hiiii ilysm!!! ^_^

Noah: ?? LMAO

Gwen: actually cackled ngl..

Heather: Lmao real

Harold: Guys hypothetically right
Harold: purely hypothetical i swear but
Harold: how do you trim a humans nails if they're so thick that normal nail clippers don't work and at this point they're more like claws than anything else..

Noah: Cry.
Noah: ok but are they even human at that point wth

 Justin: imagine not keeping your nails trimmed 

Trent: ignore him.
Trent: anyways WHAT.

Harold: He wont let me get him declawed sigh

Duncan: "Heh... Sigh... guess I deserve it...."

???: this is why nobody liked you..

Gwen: LMAOO?

Duncan: literally who are u

???: um
???: .

??? has left the chat. 

Noah: gagged ngl

Harold has added ??? to the chat.

why do u want this guy here so bad

Duncan: Maybe Harold finally got bitches and he's just down bad

Harold: k but at least I'm not a cheater

Leshawna: LMAOO

???: i love music why wasn't i exposed to it as a child 

Harold: if ur listening to rap ur getting kicked out

???: you like rap though

Harold: yours is a different breed.


???: anyway
???: i like money bling bling bling! 
???: that was a lyric i felt the need to type it out sorry

Heather: maybe this guy isn't so bad he's listening to millionaires 
Heather: and I love money

Cody: I'll stick to weezer thank u tho

Noah: we're breaking up.


Noah: 💀💀
Noah: ok ok in all srsness tho idc i promise 😭

Cody: oh 
Cody: okay

Trent: LMFAO.

Justin: me personally
Justin: if i die 2nite imma make it look pretty!!

Alejandro: so what are you just gonna explode into a firework 😭?

Justin: DIE what is your beef with me

Alejandro: I'm mad cuz I'm ripoff you but better at manipulating 

Justin: kys right now AL.

Noah: ohhhoho shiiit

Alejandro: .
Alejandro: .
Alejandro: .

Cody: BRO U OK?

Tyler: Nooo Al it's okay trust

Alejandro: okay :1

Heather: WHAT.

Gwen: bro tamed him 

Alejandro: Tf?? I ain't a dog

Sierra: you're tylers dog

Alejandro: k stalker how about u slit thx

???: I was also tamed once don't be ashamed man

Harold: i did NOT tame you ..

???: you diddd

Harold: bad dog. into the dog house NOW

Courtney: What did I wake up to?

Gwen: babe why did you sleep until 10 am though me and yk who (doesn't want to be named cuz they're a PUSSY) already made breakfast and they went to work.. (i went to a friends house which Court knows but in case you all are confused I'm not home rn)

Courtney: I was tired. What'd you make?

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