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Sup! I'm Beffany, the author! I just wanted to write a few things down here before we get started. Sort of general pre fanfiction stuff I'm sure you know the drill.

PLEASE NOTE: this is the first fanfic I've written in actual years so it starts off a little slow but I find my footing again as it goes on. Please do give it a chance if you find it slow to begin with 🙏

This is an X Reader story which means YOU are the main character! When you see "Y/N" written that means "Your Name". I'll try to keep your appearance as vague as possible in order to be inclusive but I have taken some liberties in terms of personal life and stuff. For example, you go by she/her pronouns and you're a fully grown adult (important because there will be some sexual topics or scenes. This is written for a mature audience so enter at your own risk).

There are some topics in this story that might be triggering to some people and they're listed in the description (go back and read it if you wanna) but I'll also mention if something particularly upsetting is brought up at the beginning of the chapter so don't worry. Trigger warnings will be marked with a "TW".

There will be smut in some chapters just so y'all know. But also I'm publishing each part as I write it so if you have any requests whatsoever regarding the storyline, things to include more of (like more or less smut or fluff for example), or anything else, feel free to leave a comment! :)

Of course it goes without saying that while there are characters inspired by, based on, and using the likeness of real life people, I don't know any of these people irl so how they act and the things they do in this story isn't how they necessarily are irl. It's made up, fiction, and anything they do in this book is not a comment on who they actually are.

It probably also goes without saying that since this is fiction and I'm not a professional writer by any means, this story might not be very realistic.

Little disclaimer: this story is set in LA since that's where Mark lives I believe. However I'm British so as much as I'll try not to, some bri'ish slang or mannerisms might slip through.

Anyway, I wanted to write this because I fuckin love mark but the Markiplier fanfiction community is nothing like it used to be smh. That might just mean nobody cares about Markiplier fanfiction anymore and this won't get any reads or votes but oh well, I'm mainly just writing it for self enjoyment. But yeah if you're not me and you're reading this then hi! I hope you enjoy! I'll stop rambling on now and let you get on with reading.

Have a lovely morning or day or evening or night xx


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