𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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The grand doors of the throne hall loomed before me, their ornate carvings a reminder of the weight of duty I could never escape. My heart was pounding violently in my chest as the guards pulled those heavy doors open.

I stepped into the vast room where my fate was to be decided. Well, at least if it is about me getting married.

Down the hall, my father sat on his throne, the expression on his face was hard to read. He was a man who had always sought the best for his kingdom and for me, his only daughter.

By his side, a man who I have never seen before. An older man whose presence seemed to darken the room. He appeared to be in his late thirties. He had sharp features and an air of self-assuredness that seemed almost predatory. His dark hair fell smoothly over his forehead. He trailed his gaze to me and an unsettling chill ran down my spine.

"Y/N," my father's voice was soft but firm as it echoed in the hall, "I want you to meet Lord Caspian, he is a man of great honour and standing. He is here to discuss a matter that will secure not only your future but also strengthen the ties of our kingdom."

I knew it.

His words were meant to comfort me, but they only deepened the dread pooling in my stomach. Lord Caspian's eyes gleamed with an intensity that felt almost invasive. As if he were not only assessing my beauty but also weighing my worth as a prize to be claimed.

I felt numb, I didn't know how to take all of this in.

I managed a polite nod. "My lord," I welcomed, forcing a smile that concealed the turmoil I felt.

"Princess Y/N," he spoke, his voice velvety and confident. "It is truly an honour to meet to jewel of the kingdom." He lingered on the word "jewel". The grim feeling in my gut intensified. It sounded possessive as if he viewed me as an object of worth rather than a lover, a partner.

My father's gaze softened as he looked at me, there was no way he believed that this man was good enough for me or that this marriage was a good idea. Does he really think that this is the best path for my future?

I can't help but think about the life I'd be giving up, the freedom, the adventures I would never have.

My heart sank. I can't let this happen. My father had always wanted what was best for me, but does he even know what's best for me?

Of course, I love my father and I'm so grateful for all he has done for me but I don't owe him my happiness. I shouldn't have to marry a stranger simply because he thinks it's the right choice for me.

He's never truly listened to what I want. All those times I had begged him to let me explore the world alone, without guards shadowing my every move—even if I offered to disguise my identity—my request was ignored. So even if I did protest this marriage, it would make no difference to him.

A wave of anxiety washed over me as I comprehended just how trapped I really was. My father thinks he's doing this for my good, to benefit me, but I could sense a hidden arrogance in Lord Caspian, beneath that charming facade.

I need to find a way to break free, to take charge of my own life before, I lose my chance.

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