01 | Third Times The Charm (Krishan)

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"Can you go get Kris? The concerts about to start in half an hour tops," one of the staffs told Luhan.

"Sure!" Luhan said going off to find his Duizang.


"Ugh...it hurts so much..." inwardly
groaning as I grabbed my crouch through my tight, black pants.


Everyone was in the changing room. As they were changing I couldn't help but notice their nicely defined figure, taut abs, sexy pecs, and fine bums. I could just imagine what it would feel like to have my cock inside their 'loveholes'. I felt my member harden a little at the thought.

"Snap out of it. Ugh, stop thinking about such disturbing thoughts Kris," thinking to myself.

A few minutes later our manager came up to me and asked me,before rushing off to talk to Kai,"Can you go get Chanyeol? I need to talk to him about something."

"Ok?..." I said to nobody in particular.

"Why can't he just do it himself?" I thought frustratingly in my head before going off in search for the rapper in question.

After a few minutes of probing around in the backstage rooms, I finally found him. Or should I say, them. He, or they, were in one of the many empty rooms within the concert arena.

"Ah-ahhhhhh.......Chanyeol-ah........omg....ha...ha..ha......f-faster.....h-harder...................y-yeah.....r-right there.........." I heard someone moan.

"That sounds like.......BAEKHYUN!? He sounds like...he's hurting.....WAIT!? Why is Chanyeol hurting him?! I got to save him," I alarmingly thought.

I approached the closed door and forcefully slammed the door open on purpose to grab the attention of them. What I thought was completely way different from what I saw before my eyes. The sight before me paralyzed me in some sort of strange trance. Chanyeol's 'buddy' was 7-inch deep inside Baekhyun's 'love hole'. The sight was extremely sexy, which I hate to admit, and I was way beyond turned on at this point. If seeing your members naked wasn't bad enough, seeing two of the most popular and hottest members in your group making out was beyond bad. It was a terrible understatement.

"Wow...they look so sexy while making out...WAIT. Snap out of it," pushing away my dirty thoughts.

"What?" Chanyeol growled very impatiently at me, as I heard Baekhyun blatantly groan at me for interrupting Chanbaek sexy time.

"Uh-uh-ummm..." I stuttered as I tried to get myself together,"M-manager w-wanted to see you for something."

"Fine. Give me a sec," He said as he pulled out of Baekhyun.

His fully erect dick exposed to the chilly air as it twitched slightly. It was a major turn on, nothing else needs to be said.

Another groan followed.

I quickly rushed out of the room in embarrassment. I leaned against the wall breathless,trying to regain my breathing momentum. Thinking back to the image I witnessed less than a minute ago. Unconsciously, one my hands went under my belt and pants and inside my shorts. I only realized that when my hand touched my 'thing'. Horrifyingly, I pulled my hand away in disgust for having dirty thoughts and about to do the dirty in the hallways. I looked around in panic, hoping no one witnessed me touch myself. When I saw no one in the perimeter, I embarrassingly let my breath out in relief. I quickly ran away and into the restrooms. I headed to the furthest stall and sat down on the toilet, not before flipping the cover down. I sat there in silence running random scenarios about what would happen if I was caught by my members, manager, or a staff. My career, reputation, credibility, and myself would all be doomed. Knowing that none of that happened, I sighed in huge relief. Then, I started feeling painfully uncomfortable for some unknown reason. Realizing the obvious, I stared down at my humongous tent in embarrassment yet amazement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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