7. Moon held secrets

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Words: 1800+

Long chapter!



Ila said softly, lost in thoughts, breaking the comfort silence between them, as they were sitting, cuddling together, after their makeout session. Her head rested on his chest, as she was sitting on his lap. Kavish hummed a gentle response, his fingers playing with her hairs.

"Never leave me," she uttered, her voice barely audible.

Kavish turned her face to meet his, consern etched his feature. "I will never leave you, baby. Why did you say that?"

Ila's eyes searched his, fear and vulnerability shining through. "I love you Kavish, but I am scared, if we have a fight." Ila said, afraid, hugging him to his chest again.

Kavish's expression softened, and he pulled her closer. "Why would we fight baby? I will never fight with you." Kavish said, assuring her. Ila's grip on his shirt tightened, her voice trembling, "Really?" Kavish nodded.

"Yup, but small and sweet fights do happen between couples, right?" He said, to lighten the environment.

"Hmm, only small fights, no shouting. I feel scared." Ila replied, taking a nodd from him with a chuckle.

Next morning, Aeni was having breakfast with her family. Then she broke the silence by saying, "Muma, papa, I want to tell something."

"Yeah, tell us baccha, what do you want to say?" Aryan asked with curiosity, Nisha nodded along with him and said "yes, what's the matter?"

Aeni smiled, seeing her loving parents and then said, "Actually, that Arman and Ila are going on a trip and they want me to join them."

"But baby, your college is about to start, isn't it? Are you sure you should be taking a trip now?" Nisha said, worried about her studies.

"Muma, There is still some time befor college. And it'll be a quick trip." Aeni demanded.

"Let her go Nisha. She's been studying hard. A break will do her good?"

Aeni became very happy, seeing her father supporting her. And Nisha just shook her head, looking this father and daughter coordination.

Then Vikram also started saying, joining the conversation, "Yes bhabhi, how long has it been since Aeni went away?"

Shanaya and Krish hummed with him in agreement. Then Nisha also accepted defeat. "Okay, but be sure to be in touch and-"

"Thanks, Muma!" Aeni exclaimed, cutting her off with a squeal of excitement. A chuckle left from everyone.

"Okay, but where are you going?" Nisha asked.

"Don't know, Armaan said it's a surprise." Aeni said, being hesitate and embarrassed to which both her parents sigh with everyone.


After having breakfast, Aryan and Vikram left for the office and Shanaya after sending Krish to school went out somewhere.

Now Aeni and Nisha were at home. Aeni was in her room.

She was scrolling on her phone when an idea came to her mind, she clicked the search button and typed the name Ayden Rai Singhaniya.

Aeni got the account and clicked on it, only to found, two or four photos there.

One of them was a photo of his family, the other photo of him receiving an award. But a picture caught her attention and she felt tickle feeling in her belly, the moment she saw it.

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