8. Sweet touch

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Before starting the chapter, let me tell you that today's update will make your heart skip a beat.🤭

Ayden was capturing the view of his moon, who was admiring her moon. In that moment, he knew, he would do anything to protect her, to keep her save from the darkness that shadowed and lurked in his own world.

He saw, Aeni's attention drawing to her mother who knocked on her room door, saying "Aeni, dinner is ready, come down and join us." Aeni smiled and replied, "Just a minute, muma, I'll be right there."

Ayden could capture both audio and video, because of the cameras have built- in microphones.

As Nisha left, Aeni stood up, wearing a lovely long frock, the pale blue dress that hugged her curves on all the right places. Ayden's gaze swept over her, taking in every detail. He looked at her her from top to bottom. Afterall, no one can change the fact, that she's an eighteen years old girl with breathtaking figure.

Ayden's phone rang, and he saw that it was Kartik's call. His expression determined.

He swiped the green button up, and placing the phone on his ear, he directly came to the point, and said, "Which place is this?"

"Sir, I've sent you the location." Kartik replied and he hummed and cutted the call, and saw the location.

Then suddenly A wicked idea came to his mind, and a smirk curled up on his lips.


Ayden came out of the bathroom, from taking shower, he wents to Wardrobe and changed into a sleek black shirt and matching pant, the fabric hugging his physique perfectly.

As he fastened his watch, the silver strap gleaming on his wrist, he made his way out of his room, just as he swung opened the door, only to be met with Kavish and Aneri standing outside his room, their expressions frozen in shock. His eyes narrowed, as he asked,

"What are you both doing, outside my room?"

"Bhai, we were about to knock but you opened the door itself."  Aneri said, throwing some symbols with her hands.

"Bhai, you came in so many days." Kavish's voice gained Ayden's attention.

Before Ayden could say something, Kavish immediately wrapped his arms around him, Ayden hugged him back, with a smile on his face.

Seeing the two brothers hugging each other, Aneri felt FOMO, so she too jumped on both of them, and both the brothers laughed at her.

They separated from each other and Aneri said,

"Okay, Now, don't be senti."

"Haan haan, why would you be upset? You used to meet bhai, right? But I did not meet my brother." Kavish taunted.

"Haaw, as if you had not met him. Maybe you forgot that you met bhai just a week ago." Aneri said, reminiscing Kavish.

"That was a week ago,  you met him just yesterday." Kavish exclaimed, dramatic.

"Stop it, enough!"  Ayden scold both of them, and pout formed on their faces.

They glared at each other, Ayden just shook his head.

"Bhai, Come downstairs, we'll talk and have fun." Aneri demanded.

But Ayden? Something else is cooking in his mind.

"No Aneri, I have some work, later." Ayden refused.

"Bhai, what work have you got now?" Kavish enquired, frowning.

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