After The Battle

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Her whole body hurt.

Just a few minutes ago she had been standing in front of Lord Voldermort himself. Staring at the limp lifeless figure in Hagrid’s arms.

She had been convinced he had died. That she had lost, not only one of her best friends, but the boy she’d had a crush on since she was 11. She had thought she’d never see him again. Never hear his voice again. Never look into those beautiful green eyes which made her brain go numb again.

There had been a point in her duel with Bellatrix when the killing curse had missed her by a hair, where she had considered letting go. She had felt her resolve melting imagining reuniting with him. But she had held on and pushed through.

But he had revealed himself just a moment after Bellatrix had been killed. He had bested Tom in a duel and the war had ended. Now most the death eaters how had survived were being captured by the aurors.

Harry was alive.

The Golden Trio had disappeared after a while.

That’s how she found herself near the black lake. She couldn’t stay inside. Everything reminded her of all the people they had lost. Remus, Tonks, Fred…

She needed fresh air.

There was a movement behind her. She didn’t need to turn around to know it was Harry. Her heart was racing in her chest. She had missed him so much over the last year.
Every time the she’d had a detention with the Carrows she had returned to her dorm missing more than ever. All she had wanted to do then had been curl into his arms and feel his warmth around her.

Now he was standing right behind her, but she couldn’t bring herself to turn around. To face him. She was afraid all the tears she had been holding back would come gushing out if she looked at him. She had been doing her best not to cry but she wasn’t sure she could hold back anymore.

“Ginny?” His voice was tentative and, almost reluctant. She didn’t look around or respond, so he continued “Can we talk? Please?”.

She could sense his nerves radiating off of him. Without looking at him, she merely hummed in response.
“Ginny…I-I’m so, so, sorry…”

His breath was hitching and his voice was croaky.

“What for?” she asked shortly. “For everything. For not being open to you during our relationship, for breaking up with you without a proper explanation. For leaving so abruptly last year. For not telling you anything. F-for t-tod-day. A-and about-t F-fred.” His voice was shaky and Ginny could hear the grief and guilt.

But she still couldn’t bring herself to face him though tears had welled up in her eyes now.

She hummed in response again, not trusting herself to say anything more without bursting into tears.

“Ginny please… say something. Anything” His voice was getting desperate now. “What do you want me to say?” A tear had made its way down her left cheek.

“I’m sorry Ginny. Really. Please give me just one more chance. I-I can’t lose you! I want to be with you, in any way you’ll have me. Please! I’ll make it up to you. Just give me one more chance. I’ll do anything” There was a note of hysteria in his voice now.

All she wanted to do was to jump into his arms and hold him close to her. To feel his heart’s rhythmic beats. But she held back. Instead. she said “I have a few conditions…”, but before he could respond she continued” I want to know everything. I don’t want to be left in the dark anymore. I want to join you in everything you want to do. You can’t break up with me again to defeat some dark lord. We will be in it together.”

“I couldn’t bring myself to leave you again. It would be too much for me. I don’t know how I made it through this without you. But I need you by my side Ginny. I have missed you more than anything this past year. And about telling you everything…I will. I promise. But I need a little more time to come to terms with everything that has happened. I need to clear my head a little first. But I will tell you. I promise”

She nodded and finally turned to look at him. A few tears had rolled down his cheeks too. She gave a small smile and continued “I’ve got one more question…” She trailed off locking her eyes with his “Any Veelas I need to worry about?” She asked doing my best to smile.

A beat passed before his face broke out into a small, but genuine smile. His eyes brightened a little and his a bit of the tension left his shoulder.

“No Veela could enchant me the way you have Ginny. In fact, none of them could dream to mean as much to me as you do.” He said, his eyes shining.

Ginny chuckled and jumped into his arms and pulled him close against her taking his familiar, intoxicating scent. He seemed startled at first but relaxed into the embrace, apparently relieved by her reaction.

She felt herself relax too. And finally, the dam she had built so carefully broke. Sobs wrecked her body as she cried into Harry.

He held her to his heart letting her cry. He was rubbing her back in a soothing motion trying to comfort her. She finally lest herself cry. For Fred, for Tonks, for Colin, for how the Carrows had treated her, for the friends she had lost in war…

All the tears she hadn’t shed in years came gushing out. All the tears she had avoided when Harry had broken up with her. All the emotions she had his about Luna getting kidnapped.

Ginny didn’t know how long she cried, but she finally felt better. Once she calmed herself down enough to look up at Harry, she realized, he had been crying too. But he had cried so quietly that she hadn’t even heard him.

"It wasn't your fault. All the people who faught and died today knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over" Ginny said after she had pulled herself back together enough to speak.

"But Fred-" He started but she silenced him. "It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could do about anything that happened. Nobody blames fir those deaths Harry. And neither should you.."

Before he could protest she pulled him down and kissed him. It was a slow, soft kiss. He delicately held her closer to him, kissing her back in similar fashion. Once they pulled apart, he looked into her eyes. They were so full of emotion it was almost overwhelming.

“Thank you, Gin, for giving me this chance, for having me in your life again. I promise you won’t regret it” he said pushing a strand of escaped hair out of her face.

*But you aren't allowed to give me a scare like this again. For a moment I thought I had lost you. For good. I was so scared when I thought I'd never see you again." She said and he nodded, a faint smile playing at his lips.

She smiled again and hugged him tight. The next few weeks were going to be incredibly difficult for both of them with all the funerals coming up of the heros who had lost their lives for the war.

But it would be worth it.

She couldn’t wait to have her three best friends by her side again

Everything was going to be alright.


~*Hey guys...
This is my second post here. I hope you like it.
Leave a review🩷
Proofread by Darcy*~

All these characters belong to J.K.Rowling and are from her wonderful work.

Hope yiu like it.


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