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3:59 a.m.

Taehyung sang a song, not very well-known, while he waited for Jimin, who had revealed his name the previous morning.

He waited until the expected minute finally changed.

4:00 a.m.

───Hello─── Jimin greeted with a smile.

───Hello─── Taehyung returned the greeting, drawing out the word.

───Now that it’s my minute, I’ll take your minute to say what’s left since you used up all of it the other day. Ah, about the other day, regarding your affection for me, I feel the same way─── Jimin paused ───And I wish this hour could be eternal, but unfortunately, it’s not.

───What do you mean?─── Taehyung asked, confused.

───Tomorrow you’ll understand. Today is my last day. It was nice meeting you, Taehyung─── Jimin smiled and then hugged him.

Taehyung hugged him back ───Take care, I wish you well, and I hope we see each other again.

───Mmm, we’ll meet again at the highest point, when it’s your last moment, if you don’t mind─── Jimin took out a pastel blue sheet and handed it to Taehyung ───Read this tomorrow when you come. Please don’t disobey me. See you soon─── and he left.

Taehyung was left curious but had to respect it, so he would wait, just one more day, 24 hours.


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