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Once Upon A Time
There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.
Or we think we know.
One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen.
Our World.
This is how it happened...

In the enchanted forest...

Prince Charming is on his horse riding rapidly with Prince Alexander beside him on his horse and they stop in the forest and quickly dismount their horses and rush over to the two glass caskets as the dwarfs stand around the caskets and the dwarfs turn to look at the Princes.

"You're too late." Doc tells them and then steps aside to reveal Snow White and Gwyneria lying inside the caskets with their eyes closed.

"No." both the princes whisper as they walk up to their girls' caskets and look at them.

"No! Open them." Charming tells the dwarfs as he looks down at Gwyneria.

"I'm sorry. She's gone. They both are." Grumpy tells them as he looks between Charming and Alexander.

"Please, open it." Alexander tells him and the dwarfs bend down to open Snow White's casket lid.

"At least let me say goodbye." Charming tells the dwarfs, and they move over to Gwyneria's casket and opens it and steps back as Charming and Alexander lean over their women and kisses them and a wave of wind rushes past through the entire kingdom and Snow and Gwyneria gasps awake and looks at their princes and Snow quickly sits up and pulls Alexander in for a tight hug.

"You found me." Gwyneria tells Charming as she holds a hand up to his cheek.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" Charming asks and then helps her sit up.

"The glass coffin gave me a pause." Gwyneria tells him.

"You never have to worry. I will always find you." Charming tells her as he brushes some of her hair back.

"Promise?" Gwyneria asks.

"I do." Charming says as he looks at Gwyneria dressed in his wedding suit as she wears her wedding gown.

"And do you, Gwyneria, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?" the officiant asks as they stand in front of the entire kingdom.

"I do." Gwyneria tells him as she smiles at Charming.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." the officiant tells them, and everyone cheers and claps and they lean in to kiss when suddenly the doors bang open, and everyone turns to see the Evil Queen standing there dressed in black.

"Sorry I'm late." Evil Queen tells them and then walks down the aisle and two guards rush towards her, and she throws them aside with her magic.

"It's the Queen. Run!" Doc exclaims as he steps towards Charming and Gwyneria and Gwyneria takes Charming's sword out from his sheath and points it at the Evil Queen.

"Not anymore she's not. She's just an evil witch!" Gwyneria exclaims as she looks at the Evil Queen and Charming steps up to her.

"No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need. You're wasting your time, you've already lost. I will not let you ruin this wedding." Charming tells them as he takes the sword from his wife.

"Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear I've come to give you a gift." Evil Queen tells him.

"We want nothing from you." Gwyneria tells her.

"But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do." Evil Queen tells them and then turns around and starts walking away as Snow and her husband Alexander rush over to Gwyneria and pull her into a hug as they watch the Evil Queen.

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