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A short story in which Kenma get's sick and decides to keep it from Kuroo for as long as he can. 

Word Count: 5292

My eyes ached and despite opening them my vision was blurry and distorted. The second I regained consciousness my mind only pondered my many, many, regrets. My vision was weakening, however, I could still make out the stale, white, empty hospital room around me. It was the same as always, I didn't have anyone to visit me. Maybe I would have, had I been honest.


           ・ 。゚☆: *.


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University was not what everyone made it out to be, Kenma found it rather easy to keep up with the work load and the classes where rather enjoyable. No doubtable though his favorite part had to be his roommate, Kuroo. Kuroo and Kenma had been friends since elementary school, and despite the year age gap, they never grew apart. When Kuroo graduated high school, he attended a college near by, and when Kenma graduate he attended that same college. Now a year later, Kuroo enters his junior year, Kenma his sophomore year, as roommates. 

The dorm room was simple, an apartment style with a kitchen, bathroom, living space, dinning table, and two separate bedrooms. However, the bedrooms where small but neither of the boys minded, they spent most of their time in the living room anyways. The two spent most of their time together, even though they had no classes together due to pursuing vastly different career paths. Kenma studied media marketing, although truthfully he wasn't sure what he wanted to do with that. His dream was to be a famous YouTube, but that wasn't something you could study in school so he had to settle. Kuroo, on the other hand, was studying physical therapy partially inspired by his years as a volleyball player. 

"Whatcha watching?" Kuroo asked as he emerged from his bedroom, it was two in the afternoon and he was only now waking up. 

"Eh, just shit on YouTube." Kenma replied truly not entertained by whatever was on. Recently, it had been like this a lot. Kenma would struggle to sleep and end up staying up all night, only falling asleep the next night, he couldn't break the cycle. His lifestyle of sleeping every other day took a harsh toll on his body, yet he still couldn't seem to rest regularly. The lack of rest was evident on his face, it was pale and his eye bags were prominent. Kuroo worried about his roommate often, he would cook him meals but Kenma couldn't bring himself to eat much. He blamed his tiredness. Despite his illness Kenma continue his education and still did well in his classes, he even helped Kuroo occasionally with his own work. The two remained through thick and thin, and even grew their bond as months of them living together passed. 

The winter air began to freeze puddles and frost windows, Kuroo worried his friend would become more ill, however, Kenma had seemed to become accustom to his new life style. His eye bags were still large, his face still pale and thin, but he still tried to keep up appearances. Truthfully, Kenma's issues were only becoming worse, but he chose to keep these trouble to himself. Since childhood, both of Kenma's parents had been busy, once his father died his mother became even more preoccupied. If it wasn't her job at the hospital, she was working at local bakeries, clothing stories, and even became a taxi driver occasionally. Her constant work meant the Kozume family could stay afloat, however, it usually meant Kenma was left to fed for himself. Perhaps it was this upbringing that caused him to keep so much to himself, he felt no need to bother others, he could handle things himself.

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