chapter 17: mine

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"Chaewon?" I say in surprise. she was coming back today? already? "yeah, Yun it's me" she says, looking different from the last time I saw her. her hair was dyed this strawberry color, she was wearing more makeup than normal.

she looked absolutely breathtaking, I almost lost it. I stood there, looking at her, still surprised she's here in my house. then I remember. she had been gone for three months.

"wow ..." i manage to say, then the image of me kissing yuna pops in my head, and I tear my eyes away from Chaewon. feeling so guilty, but then yet again Chaewon doesn't know I love her. "Yun? you okay?" Chaewon asks, stepping closer to me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

I look up to see my parents are no longer in the room. I look back down, unable to look at Chaewon. "Yun?" she says, her voice is raspy but soft.

God, why do you have to be so attractive?

I back away from Chaewon and run upstairs and into my room. i can't face her, not after I kissed yuna.



the next day, it went back to normal before chaewon even left. the girls would eat breakfast together and chat. then they would walked to school.


"chae!" kazuha shouts from the gate, running towards them at full speed. the long haired girl wraps her arms around the strawberry haired girl, squeezing her. chaewon giggles and hugs her back. "I missed you too zuha" chaewon says, still hugging kazuha.

yunjin forced a smile at the sight of her friends hugging. she was still very guilty for the incident last night. but neither chaewon or kazuha knew about it. then she looked towards the school and noticed yuna waiting at the gate.

yuna shifts her attention towards yunjin once she spots her, and yunjin knows all hell is about to break lose. chaewon stops hugging kazuha and notices yuna stsring at yunjin. "who's that" she asks. shit. yunjin forgot yuna and her friends came to the school after chaewon left to visit her family in Korea.

before yunjin can answer, kazuha buts in. "that's yuna, she's part of a friend group that transferred here after you left, she is always asking for yun's number" kazuha explains. chaewon's demeanor changes from happy and sweet to cold and jealous within the span of 2 seconds.

"always?" chaewon asks, her jealousy shining through, which only makes kazuha smirk. "yep, but yunjin always ignores her right yun?" kazuha says, looking at yunjin. yunjin can't hide the truth. "well, I did hang out with her yesterday but no she doesn't have my number" yunjin says, scratching the back of her head in nervousness.

that statement only makes chaewon's head snap towards yunjin, her jealousy coming out even more than before. kazuha only smirks.


I look at yunjin, the jealousy evident on my face. "you hung out with her?" kazuha says, smirking. "yeah, and she kinda kissed me" yunjin admits quietly. kazuha's jaw dropped in shock, while I grew more jealous and even angry.

how dare this girl touch MY yunjin!?

i could imagine at the ways I would confront this girl for kissing yunjin, each outcome would be scaring her off. but there was one problem. people think I'm sweet or not capable of being mean because of my autism. i just get back from visiting my family in Korea to find out yunjin kissed someone else.

I glare coldly at yuna, silently warning her to back off yunjin. though, yunjin doesn't know I love her. but no way will I let anyone out there filthy grimy hands on yunjin. MY yunjin.

we all walk pasted the girl and into the school, which the bell rings once we get inside. we all dash away from each other and to our classes.


it is now lunch and me, kazuha, and yunjin are sitting together. like we use too. kazuha is filling me in on everything that happened, when yuna walks to our table. I immediately get jealous. "hey yunjin" Yuna says with a flirty expression on her face, playing with her hair, trying to be cute. it makes me sick.

"hi yuna" yunjin says awkwardly, turning away to look at kazuha. "who's your friend?" yuna asks, looking me up and down. "this is chaewon" yunjin says. I wave and turn back to my food. I can't stand to look at her.

"oh..." yuna says, then makes a disgusted face towards me, somehow it went unnoticed by yunjin. then yuna walks away.

I caught her disgusted look and I wanted to scream my lungs out to the world that yunjin is mine and mine only. I guess you can say I'm possessive but can you blame me? all I know is that yuna better stay away from yunjin.

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