I was outside playing with my little sister and I was really thirsty so I went to have a break for 10 minutes. Then after my break and went outside to play with my sister I called out "Lucy im,
ready to play". Then I heard a scream. I ran outside and she was gone I searched the whole garden an the drive but she wasn't there I was really worried. Mom and dad weren't here they were in Scotland. So I quickly grabbed my things and rushed out the door I checked the area since she wasn't there I called the police to help but they couldn't find her either.I couldn't sleep for the whole week all I was thinking about is when is somebody going to knock on my door saying they found lucy or they've found her body. 3 weeks went by and there was still no sign of her until me and a few of my friends saw her necklace that she always wears outside a house that was dangerous to go in. So me and my friends went in the house and upstairs there were children tied to chairs all beaten up. Charlotte my best friend asked one of the oldest children if they've seen my sister and she said the men just went out the door to throw her in the rubbish dump so as me and Charlotte went to the rubbish dump to find lucy Emily Emma and John stayed to free the children. Then they catches us up and we arrived at the rubbish dump...
There right in front of us was Lucy we quickly got her and left.
Now I always look out for her .