Mafia king and his Crazy EX

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Y/n - Hi Mom  , Dad you call me
Mom - We are fixing your marriage
Y/n - With who ?

Dad - Mafia King Mr. Park
Y/n - What? Noo
Mom - Are you saying no 😡(pick her sandal)
Y/n - 😅 I mean Yes
Mom - 😑 Good now go
Y/n pout and went upstairs

Otherside -----
Jimin - No Mom (pout)
Jimin Mom - Don't make me throw you out 😡
Jimin Dad - Atleast go out with her
Jimin - Ok (pout and went away)


Y/n: *huffing* I can't believe we're being forced to get married, Jimin. This is ridiculous!

Jimin: *rolling his eyes* Tell me about it. I can't stand you either, Y/n. We're like oil and water. We don't mix.

Y/n: *glares* Well, at least we can agree on something for once.

Jimin: *sighs* I wish there was a way out of this. I don't want to marry you.

Y/n: *sarcastically* Well, I don't exactly have marriage bells ringing for you either, Jimin.

Jimin: Our parents are probably already planning the wedding as we speak. They have this weird obsession with seeing us together.

Y/n: Yeah, I don't get it. We're like cats and dogs. Always at each other's throats.

Jimin: I know. But we have to do it for our families. They won't take no for an answer.

Y/n: *sighs* I guess you're right. We'll just have to make the best of it, I suppose.

Jimin: *shakes his head* I can't believe this is happening.

Y/n: *laughs* Yeah, well, get used to it, Mafia boy. You're stuck with me now.

Jimin: *smirks* Oh great. Just what I always wanted. A feisty Mafia queen as a wife.

Y/n: *raises an eyebrow* Watch it, Jimin. I may be a queen, but I can still kick your butt.

Jimin: *laughs* I'd like to see you try, Y/n. I can take you on any day.

Y/n: *chuckles* We'll see about that. Maybe we can settle this with a duel. Winner takes all.

Jimin: *grins* You're on. Just don't blame me when I come out victorious.

Y/n: *smirks* Oh, I won't. It'll be a piece of cake taking you down, Jimin.

Jimin: *playfully shoves Y/n* Watch it, Black Angel. I may just surprise you.

Y/n: *laughs* We'll see. Bring it on, Mafia boy.

As the days went by, Jimin and Y/n found themselves growing closer despite their initial animosity towards each other. They discovered that they actually had a lot in common and began to develop a mutual respect for one another. However, just as things were starting to look up for the unlikely couple, trouble reared its ugly head in the form of Jimin's crazy ex-girlfriend, Lisa.

Engagement party :

Y/n - I am so tired why we have to talk to everyone (pout)
Jimin - Do you need anything Y/n
Y/n - No

Lisa: *sneers* Well, well, well. Look who we have here. The infamous Mafia Jimin and his new bride-to-be, Y/n. What a joke.

Jimin: *disdainfully* What do you want, Lisa? We're done. I don't want anything to do with you anymore.

Lisa: *laughs maniacally* Oh, Jimin. You know you can't resist me. You'll always come crawling back.

Y/n: *stepping in front of Jimin protectively* Back off, Lisa. He's married to me now. You're nothing but a pitiful ex.

Lisa: *eyes flashing with rage* Oh, you'll regret ever crossing me, Y/n. Jimin belongs to me, not you.

Jimin: *pulling Y/n closer to him* Stay away from us, Lisa. We want nothing to do with you. You're crazy and delusional.

Lisa: *enraged* You'll pay for this betrayal, Jimin. I'll make sure of it.

With that, Lisa stormed off, leaving Jimin and Y/n shaken but more determined than ever to stick together through thick and thin. Little did they know that Lisa was plotting a diabolical plan to tear them apart and claim Jimin as her own once again.

One fateful night, as Jimin and Y/n were heading back home from a fancy event, they were ambushed by Lisa and a group of her henchmen. Jimin found himself staring down the barrel of a gun, fear coursing through his veins as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Jimin: *whispers to Y/n* I'm scared, Y/n. I don't know what to do.

Y/n: *holds Jimin's hand tightly* Don't worry, Jimin. I'll protect you. We'll get through this together.

Just as Lisa was about to pull the trigger, Y/n sprang into action, unleashing her martial arts skills and taking down the henchmen with ease. Jimin watched in awe as his feisty wife fought off their attackers, her strength and determination shining through in the face of danger.

After defeating Lisa and her goons, Jimin and Y/n made their way back home, adrenaline still pumping through their veins as they finally confessed their true feelings for each other.

Jimin: *smiling softly at Y/n* I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're my wife, Y/n. You're amazing.

Y/n: *blushing* I feel the same way, Jimin. I may have been reluctant at first, but now I can't imagine my life without you.

Jimin: *pulling Y/n into a tight embrace* I love you, Y/n. Let's face whatever comes our way together, as husband and wife.

Y/n: *tears of joy in her eyes* I love you too, Jimin. We may have started off on the wrong foot, but now I know we're meant to be together.

Wedding day

Priest - Now may kiss bride
Jimin 😘 Y/n
Priest - Now i pronounce husband and wife
Jimin grab Y/n by her waist
Jimin - My wife
Y/n - My hubby 😄
Both looking at each other lovingly

And so, Mafia Jimin and his beloved Black Angel, Y/n, lived happily ever after, their love stronger than ever as they faced each new challenge that came their way, united as partners in crime and in love.

If you like this support me on my YouTube channel i post all my story there 😄

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