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Winter was gone, Spring almost sprung, Summer was fast approaching. The desert air of arid and extremely sunny Riverside county made your already dry mouth seem to shrivel up even more. You sat alone in the shade of a largish tree next to a Mc'donalds that you and your Boyfriend used to go to quite a bit. Instantly fresh tears of frustration and anger flooded to your eyes and you looked down at your right arm, which held about half a dozen fresh wounds, well, not exactly fresh. They were large scabs at the moment. ugly and jarring as you looked at them with fury in your teaming eyes. After this last assault you had had enough. the second your boyfriend left the house headed for a doctors appointment you packed up everything you had and bolted for the nearest bus.

The bus rolls up and you quickly get on it. It was going to be a LONG ride, but you didn't care, getting away from -him- was all you cared about. The bus pulled out from the curb and you breathed a sigh of relief. He would never find you were you were going.

you pull out your phone and record a small vlog about what you are doing but not giving any details about where you are going, you carefully leave that bit out because you knew your Boyfriend watched your channel. This current injury was actually caused by something you had said when doing some recording with one of your favorite youtubers. By pure god given miracle, you had managed to make it into a live stream with Muyskerm, one of your idol's friends. you were not the best youtuber out there, and certainly not the prettiest but you still tried. To you, youtube was about making people laugh. You upload the video and put your phone on sleep-mode. It was going to be a long trip to LA and the airport...

Me and my broken heart (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now