Chapter 9

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I quietly close the door to my room and run over to my bed after I pull my shirt back over my head. I dive on top of the sheets, trying to regain my breath as I hear my mother's light feet tapping along the floor as she heads my way. I tell myself to calm down, not wanting to give away what just happened. No one could find about about Luna. Well no one other then Aurora. The more people who knew the more danger Lunas sister would be in. If anything happened to her it would be my fault. I couldn't have that on my conscience. I couldn't do that to Luna.

'Archer?' My mum calls as she pushes my bedroom door open.

'Yeah?' I reply trying to sound as nonchalant as I can manage.

'Did you not hear me calling your name?' She asks, annoyed.

'Oh, no sorry. I was reading.' I tell her holding up a book I found at the side of my bed. 'What did you want? I ask her, trying to keep my breathing under control.

'I just wanted to know where everyone had gone. Echo and Luna were downstairs a moment ago and now it's like a ghost town.' She says as she walks into the room, sitting at the foot of my bed. 'How are you?' She finally asks.

'I'm ok mum.' I let her know, keeping my answer short and sweet.

But she squints her eyes at me, looking at my face, clearly not believing me. She knows I'm lying. She's always been able to tell. I just pray she doesn't guess what's actually happening.

'Look, They'll be gone soon and everything will go back to normal.' She smiles, assuming that was what had me so worked up.

'I know, but I still don't like Roan trying to marry Luna. It's not right.' I tell my mum, trying not to sound as invested as I actually was.

'I don't like it either baby, but your father said to leave it, so that's what we're going to do.'

'When have you ever listened to dad?' I say to her with a flash of annoyance.

'He's lived this life a lot longer then I have. I trust him and you should to.'

'I can't just sit and watch it happen. If he leaves with them he'll force Luna to marry him and then he'll force himself to...'

I couldn't even finish the sentence as I started to feel my blood boil. I didn't want to think about what that monster would do to her after he marries her. He already told us he intended to get her pregnant and it was clear she didn't want to have anything to do with him. Should I tell my mum about Nova? Would it change anything? If my parents got themselves involved to help that child what would happen to all of us after? Luna said he wouldn't let her go. She said he would kill all of us. With a small army behind him we didn't have much of a choice.

'Maybe I could get your father to talk to him? Maybe get him to reconsider?' She offers.

'That won't do anything mum. He's adamant about wanting a wife. And Luna... Luna is the only other female wolf in his pack apart from his daughter.' I lie, trying to cover up my true feelings for her and the fact that Roan has her sister hidden away somewhere.

My mum doesn't speak for a while as she considers what I say. Her eyes burn into mine as she studies my face and just when I feel like she's going to work it all out I drop my gaze to the bed.

'She's rather beautiful isn't she.' My mum says giving me a look.

'Erm, I guess.'

'That has nothing to do with your interest in this?'

'No, of course not.' I lie.

'Hhmmm' She hums at me as if she's doesn't believe me.

'He's like three times her age. She shouldn't have to marry him.' I say, trying to cover my feelings.

'It doesn't seem like she's putting up much of a fight. Maybe she wants to?' She suggests.

I can't keep arguing with my mum about this without giving myself up. She's watching me, baiting me, waiting for me to bite. It's either tell her the truth and cause some massive problems for myself and our family or keep my mouth shut. Luna has made it pretty clear that she won't risk her sister's life to be with me, so what's the point? If I tell my mum it'll put Nova at risk. And Luna will never trust me again. I can't say anything. So I lie.

'If that's what she wants to do then that's fine.' I shrug. 'It's non of my business anyway.' I finish, lifting the book back to my face, pretending to read so she'll go away.

'OK, well your father will be back soon. We'll all have a big dinner together, minus your sisters of course. Your father will officially tell Roan you're not interested in Echo and then they can start making arrangements to leave.'


'Unless you want to reconsider the fourteen year old as a wife?'

'God no.' I tell her, cringing at her suggestion.

'I didn't think so. Unless there's another reason for them to stay?'

'Nope. Not that I can think of.' I lie again.

'Ok then. Make sure you're ready for dinner in an hour.' She tells me as she walks to the door. 'Oh and Archer?'

'Yeah?' I reply, looking up from my book.

'Your books upside down.' She says before she turns and walks out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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