United States: April 1943

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Author's Note: This is a historical fiction and although I have put a lot of research into this story I know I probably haven't gotten all the details right. This is just a first draft and at some point I will edit it.


United States: April 1943

Maybe he shouldn't have said that. The wiser part of him knew he should have just walked away when the man approached them. He should have just moved on to the pretty little blonde on the other side of the room that had been eyeing him all night. But Joe rarely did what he should in situations like these.

He was just planning on enjoying a night out with some buddies. One of the last few nights he had before he was shipped off. The war had been raging on and just like most men his age he knew it was just a matter of time till he got to see firsthand what horrors lay waiting for them on the other side of the ocean. So with the knowledge that his time was approaching, he planned on enjoying the good old life as much as possible unsure if he would ever get the chance to again.

Joe had tagged along with a few others from his company to a local bar that they all liked to frequent. It was known for its cheep beer, good music and plenty of patriotic women just wanting to do their part to support the troops. He was having a pretty good time too, having found a particular redhead with sinful crimson lips and mischievous green eyes that seemed all too ready to show him a good time. That was until her boyfriend showed up. It seemed the man didn't take too kindly to Joe talking to his girl.

Joe should have just walked away at that point and just enjoyed the rest of his night but of course he didn't. He had to make a crack to the much larger man about how if his girl was truly satisfied she wouldn't have been in a bar full of GI's talking to him. As soon as the words left his mouth, Joe smiled enjoying the man's pissed off face. That was until his fist collided with Joe's face sending him back and landing none too gracefully on the floor. Before he could even react the man had picked up Joe and tossed him out the front door of the bar.

He landed with a thud on the ground and stayed there for a moment as he tried to regain his bearings. He blamed it on the beer. He didn't blame it for his behavior because drunk or not he probably would have done the same. No he blamed it for letting himself get hit so easily and landing him outside in the dirt while the muffled music and laughs from everyone still inside filtered through to his ears.

Slowly, Joe started to pick himself up and dusted off his uniform as best he could. He looked over his sleeves where he had landed to assess the damage hoping it wasn't more than a little dirt to clean up before he had to head back. He was so lost in his own thoughts that it took him a moment to realize that he wasn't alone outside. The smell of cigarette smoke hit his senses and he slowly turned his head to the right. He was still on his knees in the dirt so when he looked over to the shadows that consumed the side of the bar, all he saw at first was just a set of heels attached to some very attractive legs. He saw the red glow of the cigarette as the woman took another inhale.

Joe was at a loss. He didn't know what to say or do so instead he stayed kneeling in the dirt as he watched the woman take a step forward out of the shadows so he could see her fully. She was dressed in a uniform which had him realizing that she was with the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. That thought was lost just as soon as it came when he looked up at her face. She had bright blue eyes that left Joe mesmerized. He brown hair was pinned back perfectly to regulation underneath her cap while she stared at him with a smirk.

"Hello there, Soldier." She greeted him before taking another drag from her cigarette. Joe quickly stood up the rest of the way and walked over to his new friend hoping that his ever charming smile would be enough to counteract the embarrassment she had so obviously witnessed.

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