Murder the Meandering Mind

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Argument placed blatantly.
Progression is life per se,
Brisk drizzles outside, make hay!
Shakespeare of Stupidity,
Almost Victorian, the hominid rigid incessantly!

Stagnance equates Death...
So they say, sipping mildewed tea upon Leth.
Lovelaces sans wit, swimming their way through rain.
Does your ever-changing dynamism knit Eden?
One for which Good ol' Karl,
Exiled, Viled, Contrived his flesh and blood...
Into that cliff of idiocy termed "Human", drenched in mud.

Yes it is You!
The man, the woman, the myth, the Cain.
Amour of yesterday is today's Pain!
It is You... Desire for care becomes vicious Disdain.
You, Asmodeus... Deceit propagating via every Vein!
Alas! the sinful creed.
The residue of fraud, coerced by greed.

Stagnate thy conscience,
See thyself as the immaculate human born,
Shatter the pernicious societal lens,
Mend thy virtue which thyself hath torn.

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