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She tossed and turned in bed, her thoughts of him keeping her awake. Every time she closed her eyes she saw his. The memory of him was haunting her. She grasped her duvet, screwed her eyes shut and willed the thoughts to go away; to leave her alone, for once. But of course, they didn't. Again, she cried. She cried, and cried, and cried, in hopes that as her tears escaped her eyes, the memories would escape her mind. She sobbed for him and ached for his lips and presence and smile. She screamed for him, praying that somehow he could hear her calling his name out, like a broken record. Everything about him being gone hurt her; killed her. Within her blue eyes, she saw his jade green ones. On her lips rested the fading feeling of his kiss. On the surface of her skin were the trace of his fingertips; a ghost, leaving her goosebumps. At the back of her mind was his smile. And in the core of her beating heart was the love for him she held that she could never quite let go. And as she continuously sobbed and tried holding back the memories, they did the complete opposite of what she had wanted them to. Instead of leaving her alone, they came to life again, painfully and from the very beginning.


He drank and drank and drank away the memories, and the taste of her lips, the color of her eyes, and her name, the name that has been etched into the depths of his heart, like a scar. As he took endless swings of alcohol, he noticed that instead of it doing what he wanted, it did the opposite. It brought memories to life, blurred and unfocused, but still recognizable. It made him think that the bottle was her lips, and every swig was another kiss. And her name, he could hear his heart chanting it, calling for her.

Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, like a song.

Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, like broken record.

Like his broken heart, and his destroyed soul.

He forgot the name of the girl who was on his bed instead. Was it Alyssa, Allison...Alisha? Whatever, that didn't matter. It's Charlotte. It will always be Charlotte. And that night of endless pain and countless swigs of liquor, he did not only miss her smile, and laughter, and love, but he went down the agonizing trip of memory lane, starting with the first day they met.

The trailer is in the media section as well as a picture of the cast! Enjoy!
All the love,

*Also, this story is copyrighted, and I in no way plan on copying any other story and/or movie, television series, etc. If there are any similarities in this story to any other, it was not planned, and is an honest coincidence.*

Thank you, and enjoy. X

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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