Mini - Stage 11

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[The stage is dimly lit, with shadows casting long, eerie shapes across the scene. The backdrop suggests the grim streets of Gotham, with dark alleyways and the faint silhouette of tall buildings in the distance. A single streetlamp flickers, providing the only source of light.]

[Enter the protagonist, casually strolling down the street. They move with a relaxed, almost carefree gait, earphones in, music playing softly. They pause occasionally to take in their surroundings, a sardonic smile on their face.]

Protagonist [speaking to themselves, with a tone of dry humor]: "How so calm and pretty Gotham. The safest place on Earth... for criminals, that is."

[The protagonist continues to walk, the atmosphere tense yet oddly serene. Suddenly, the silence is shattered by the sound of breaking glass and the distant wail of police sirens. The protagonist stops, sighs deeply.]

Protagonist [muttering]: "Spoke too soon."

[They change direction, walking towards a darker, more deserted street. As they approach the corner, they stop abruptly, smirking as they remove their earphones, letting the silence envelop them.]

Protagonist [with a knowing smile, without turning around]: "Don't play coy. I know you've been following me."

[A figure drops from above, landing with cat-like grace behind the protagonist. The protagonist turns slowly, their smile widening.]

Protagonist [softly, almost amused]: "Hello, Robin."

End of Mini-Stage 11

211 Words.

ROBIN. [ S1 complete and S2 in the making! ]Where stories live. Discover now