Mini-Stage 19

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Robin stood frozen, the echo of Y/n's words swirling in his mind like a relentless storm. His heart pounded against his chest, each beat hammering the realization deeper into his consciousness. She said she liked him. Not just liked him, but liked him very much.

His breath hitched as he replayed the moment over and over, her playful smirk, the way she effortlessly slipped from his grasp, and that final, fleeting kiss on his cheek. It felt surreal, like a dream he couldn't quite believe had happened.

'She knows,' he thought, his mind racing. 'She knew it was me all along... and she doesn't care. She still likes me.'

His ears were burning, and he instinctively brought a gloved hand to his cheek, the spot where her lips had touched still tingling with the memory. A blush spread across his face, creeping up his neck and staining his cheeks a deep crimson.

'Why does it feel like this?' He wondered, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He was Damian Wayne, the Robin, trained to control his feelings, to remain stoic and composed. But Y/n... she had a way of disarming him, of making him feel things he wasn't sure he was ready to understand.

He took a step back, trying to regain his composure, but it was no use. Every thought, every breath was filled with her—her teasing voice, her confident demeanor, the way she saw through every mask he wore, both literal and metaphorical.

'Dammit,' he thought, clenching his fists as he tried to focus, but his mind was a mess. How was he supposed to face her now, knowing she liked him, knowing she had seen through him so easily?

And then there was the other part, the part that thrilled him beyond belief. 'She likes me,' he repeated to himself, a small, unbidden smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Despite the embarrassment, the vulnerability, he couldn't help but feel... happy. Y/n liked him. Not Robin, not the mask, but him.

He let out a shaky breath, his mind racing as he tried to piece together what this meant, what he was supposed to do now. But one thing was clear—Y/n had shaken his world in ways he never expected, and he couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

End of Mini-Stage 19

381 Words.

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