Mini-Stage 18

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Scene: A charming, intimate restaurant with soft jazz music playing in the background. The decor is elegant yet cozy, with dim lighting and candles flickering on each table. Large windows offer a panoramic view of the city's skyline, where distant fireworks occasionally light up the night sky.

Damian and Y/n are seated at a secluded table near the balcony, the ambient glow casting a warm hue over them.

Damian: (shifting uncomfortably, glancing around) So, uh, the beach was nice.

Y/n: (chuckles softly, eyes twinkling) It was. You were surprisingly... tolerable.

Damian: (face heating up) Shut up.

Y/n: (laughs, the sound light and musical)

[A brief, comfortable silence ensues as they both take sips of their drinks.]

Y/n: You know, I've never really seen you like that. Relaxed, I mean.

Damian: (raises an eyebrow) I don't relax.

Y/n: Right, of course not. The brooding, grumpy Damian Wayne.

Damian: (smirks) I'm not grumpy.

Y/n: (raises an eyebrow skeptically) Sure, you aren't.

[They share a laugh, the initial awkwardness melting away.]

[The waiter arrives, placing a beautifully presented caramel pudding in the center of the table.]

Y/n: (eyes lighting up) Oh, this looks delicious!

Damian: (smiles softly, watching her excitement)

Y/n: (picks up a spoon, scooping a portion of the pudding) Try this. I heard it's the best in town.

Damian: I can feed myself—

Y/n: (leans in, holding the spoon towards him) Nice try, but I'm feeding you. Now, say ah.

Damian: (ears turning red, hesitates but then opens his mouth) Ahh.

[He takes the bite, the rich caramel flavor melting in his mouth. Just then, vibrant fireworks explode in the sky outside, their colors reflecting in Y/n's eyes.]

Damian: (smiles genuinely) It's good.

Y/n: (grinning) Told you.

Damian: (picks up his spoon, scooping some pudding) My turn.

Y/n: (giggles) Okayyy. Ahhh.

[She leans in, accepting the bite. Their faces are close, the atmosphere charged with unspoken emotions.]

[They continue this playful exchange, the world outside fading as they lose themselves in the moment. The fireworks continue to light up the sky, mirroring the sparks between them.]

End of Mini-Stage 18323 Words.

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