Mini-Stage 20

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As soon as Y/n and Damian disappeared up the stairs, the Bat-family exploded into chaos.

"Did you see that?!" Tim practically yelled, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Damian Wayne, the Demon Spawn, just stuttered! I can't believe it!"

Jason was doubled over with laughter, clutching his sides. "Oh man, this is gold! I knew that kid was smitten, but I didn't think he'd crumble like that. And in front of her!"

"Pay up, Jason!" Tim demanded, his hand outstretched. "I called it weeks ago that he'd slip up in front of her."

Jason shot him a devilish grin and shook his head. "Not so fast, Drake. He hasn't confessed yet. So until then, I'm keeping my money."

Tim groaned in frustration and then remembered his secret weapon. His eyes narrowed mischievously as he pulled out a small taser from his pocket. "Then I'll just have to persuade you!"

Jason's eyes widened as he bolted from the room, Tim hot on his heels. "You're insane, Drake!"

"Give me my money, Todd!"

Meanwhile, Dick leaned back, shaking his head in amused disbelief. "This is better than any soap opera. I never thought I'd see Damian act like a normal teenager."

Steph nodded, her grin wide. "It's cute, honestly. Who knew he had it in him?"

"Yeah, but poor Y/n's in for a surprise," Duke added with a chuckle. "Damian's not exactly the smoothest with his feelings."

Cass, who had been silently observing the whole exchange, finally spoke up, her voice calm yet playful. "She'll handle him. She's already got him wrapped around her finger."

"True," Dick agreed, laughing softly. "And he doesn't even realize it."

Upstairs, Damian led Y/n into his room, trying to maintain his composure. His heart was still pounding from the hug, and his thoughts were a jumbled mess. 'Stay cool, Damian. Don't let her see how flustered you are,' he thought desperately.

"So, what have you been up to this morning?" Y/n asked, looking around his neat, orderly room.

"Uh, just... training and stuff," Damian lied, clearing his throat awkwardly. He wasn't about to admit he'd spent the last few hours grinding in Genshin Impact just to impress her.

"Oh, really?" Y/n teased, raising an eyebrow. "Because you look like you've been staring at a screen all morning."

Damian's face turned slightly pink, and he quickly changed the subject. "I, uh, downloaded that game you and the others play. Genshin Impact. I thought... maybe we could play together?"

Y/n's eyes lit up, and she grinned. "You did? That's awesome, Damian! Let's see what you've got!"

As they settled in to play, Damian couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n. Despite his brothers' teasing, the only thing that mattered right now was the fact that she was here with him. And as long as he could make her smile, he was happy—even if it meant dealing with the inevitable ribbing from his brothers later.

End of Mini-Stage 20

471 Words.

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