Mini-Stage 25

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Exhausted but victorious, the group piled into a nearby diner, the aroma of sizzling bacon and pancakes a welcome respite from the chaos of the shopping spree. As they devoured their food, laughter and casual conversation filled the air, a stark contrast to the earlier tension.

"Can you believe we survived that ordeal?" James groaned, wiping a stray piece of syrup from his face. His voice was laced with a mixture of relief and disbelief.

Damian nodded, a look of relief evident. "I think I aged ten years in that store," he muttered, his voice filled with a hint of sarcasm.

Y/n, ever the strategist, was already planning their next move. "After we finish eating, we should start brainstorming Halloween costume ideas," she suggested, her tone bright and cheerful.

Sky and Eve, their enthusiasm undiminished, began discussing potential costumes, their voices rising in a crescendo of excitement. Damian and James exchanged a weary glance. The prospect of another battle of wills over costumes filled them with dread.

"We're not doing this again," Damian declared, his voice firm.

"Oh, come on, where's your sense of fun?" Y/n retorted, a playful glint in her eye.

"It's called self-preservation," Damian replied, his tone dry. "I'd rather dress as myself."

"And let the children get scared?" Y/n scoffed. "Dressing up as the Grim Reaper would be far better."

Damian glared while Eve and Sky roared.

"Good one, Y/n!" Sky complimented.

End of Mini-Stage 25
230 Words.

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