He Is Gone

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Narrator POV

We see the class of 1A having breakfast since Saturday they don't have anything to do for the day. They are talking among each other, and they are just enjoying the day. 

Ochako: Hey have you seen Dekiru?

Iida: no

Kirishima: when I went for my morning workout he wasn't even there. 

Denki: he was pissed last night you saw him how he spoke to Yagi I thought he would have chopped her head off.  Or beat her up like he does to those two *Katsuki and Shoto*

Mina: why does he hate you five and his mom? 

Katsumi: it's none of your business Pinky

Katsuki: we should stop I don't want to get my ass handed to me.

Shoto: me too

Shoka: but

They see the doors open to reveal All Might in his skinny form, Inko and Izumi as both have a sulking face.

Katsumi: Izumi what's wrong?

Izumi: we are sad that Izuku wouldn't come for dinner. 

Inko: Where is he?

Shoto: why

Inko: I want to ask him if he wants to go to family therapy with us to began to heal

Shoka: I think it's a good idea

Inko: so where is he?

Izumi: maybe in his room.

Inko: let's go

AM: let me the one to ask him. He will not blow my head or yell at me.

Inko: Okay

Izumi: it's a good idea

The trio got into the elevator and went toward the third floor where Izuku room was. They went toward his door as AM knock on the door

AM: Young Midoriya I was wondering if you want to talk about something your mother wants to try.


AM: At least hear her out about family therapy


Izumi: onii-chan please answer us we know what we did was wrong but please let us rebuild our relationship

Inko: Baby boy I'm coming inside don't yell at me.

AM: Inko dear don't

Inko didn't listen as she open the door with her quirk as they open the door they see an empty room.

Izumi: Onii-chan nooooooooooooooooooo

This was heard by everyone as they went toward the third floor to see Izumi crying with her mother

Katsuki: Izumi what's wrong

Izumi: Onii-chan he ran away again.

Shoka: no

Katsumi: Ichan

Shoto/Katsuki: Brother

Iida: Where is he?

Momo: Let me inside I'm the vice president.

Izumi: I don't......

Momo went inside of the room as she went toward the desk as she found a note there.

Momo: there is a note here

Katsumi: let me read it.

Momo: it's for me.

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