"My name is Professor. Ravenclaw, but I give you all permission to call me Wren."
"Hello Professor. Ravenclaw!" I liked this teacher. She was kind and sweet and very encouraging. Her hair was hazelnut brown and it was cut short to her shoulders. She always wore a blue woolly jumper and always wore jeans. She looked just like a muggle, but she was truly part of the wizarding world, and no one dared to argue with her. She was the most perfect teacher other than Dawn. "Now, everyone take a broom. Whether it's expensive or not." She grinned, seeing Draco trying to choose the expensive one. He heard her say it and took the one closest to him, before realising it was the oldest of the lot. Wren laughed and took up her firebolt. Draco gaped at her and I laughed. Wren was a great sport. "Alright, everyone! Get in a horizontal line and place your broom beside you- Carefully! Carefully Draco!" She said, watching Draco drop his broom carelessly beside him. He blushed a hot red. Amber covered her mouth with her hand to stop her explosive giggles.
"Now, put your hand above your broom and say 'Up!'" Her broom shot up into her hand. All of a sudden, the field was full of a chorus of people saying 'up'. "Up!" My broom didn't move. "UP!" I half screeched, and the next thing I knew was the broom safely in the grip of my hand. "YES!" I yelled. "How'd you do that?" Whined Amber. "Did you try making it feel bad?" I asked. She shook her head with a smile. "Alright then, lets make it feel very bad for not flying into your hand. YOU STUPID UGLY BROOM! GET INTO HER HAND AT ONCE!" Amber burst out giggling. "YEAH! YOU MUST FEEL VERY BAD! I MEAN, YOURE THE WORST BROOM OF THE LOT! UUUUUUUUUPP!" Suddenly, the broom shot into her hand. "Hey! It worked!" She grinned. I laughed. "I meant it to be a joke but it actually worked!" Wren, who was standing nearby with a notebook, burst out into a series of laughs. "You guys are comedians! Do you usually do this type of stuff?"
"Only to make her feel better" I said, pointing at Amber who said at the same time. "Yeah, all the time" Wren clutched her sides as she laughed and laughed. "Merlin! I haven't seen anyone that funny since the year I came to Hogwarts!"
"Should we shake on it?" Amber asked, holding out her hand to me. I nodded. "Of course. To our new completed assignment!" We shook hands and Wren tried to stop her exploding laughter. "Ok! Okay! Leave me be! Stop making me laugh!" We smiled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Screamed a voice. I turned my head to see Bev Longbottom fly up into the air. He screamed loudly as he soared higher and higher into the sky. "Oh boy, not again! First Neville, now his son, Bev. Okay, everyone stay here while I fetch Bev before he falls and breaks his bones. And is there anyone here who would want to be my backup in case something goes wrong?" Draco put his hand straight up into the air but Wren ignored him. "Anyone?" Amber and I slowly put our hands up. "Right! Do you guys know rock, paper, scissors?" We looked at each other, confused. "Yes, mother used to be a muggle."
"Okay, good. Do it and whoever wins, come here and you'll be my backup." Ohh. I thought she meant something different. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS, SHOE!" We yelled. Amber did scissors and I did rock. "Are you okay that I won?"
"Yeah, I was actually pretty scared to fly before I learned to."
"Oh," Now I started to regret it. I walked over to her with my broom in my hand. "Okay, last-minute lessons. Sit onto your broom like this, and kick off like this. Just believe and lead your broom toward wherever you want. Ok, let's go!" She kicked off and so did I, trying not to look scared. But it felt easy and I zoomed fast with Wren. "Alright, you see Bev? Well, when you get closer to his broom, try to grab the end, and I'll do the rest." Bev screamed and I shot forward, reaching hard for the stick end of the broom. "I'm slipping! I'm Slipping! HELLLLLLLP!" He screeched. I was so close now. A little more, A little more... Got it! I grabbed hold of the end of the broom and Wren smiled. "Well done! Now, try to stay on your broom. You might fall off so grip the wood with your knees." I tightened my knees and they gripped firmly around the broom.
Wren swooped in from above, practically slicing Bev off his broom. I looked to my left and saw him sitting safely on Wren's broom. Wren pulled out her wand and muttered a spell at the second broom, causing it to drop as If it was a normal broomstick. I pulled it onto my knees and gripped one with one hand and the other with my other hand. We swept down to the ground and I landed deftly without thinking.
Amber walked up to me. "That was INCREDIBLE!" She screeched "Can I get your autograph?" I laughed along with Wren who was behind us. My sister stumbled back and stood beside me so we were both looking at Wren. "Lola, I must say, you've got some talent, flying like that, done this before?" She asked "Uh-no actually I've never-" I answered. "Really? I would have thought your Dad would of at least taught you something!" Wren said casually. "Dad talks more about quidditch and how to play and that sort of stuff" Amber replied. "We don't have enough money for a proper broom, only second-hand ones." I finished.
Wren looked at us sceptically. "Hmm, well I'm sure that'll change soon." She said before walking away. looked at her puzzled. I wonder what she meant by 'I'm sure that'll change soon'. I looked over at Amber and she looked at me with the same confused expression on her face. "What do you think she means?" I asked. "I don't know- what makes you think I would know?" She shrugs.
Emily's voice kicks in. "Well I know what she means, and if you don't, I'm not surprised, I mean you are only Hufflepuffs," She says with a smirk. How rude Emily! You are more slytherin than ever! What changed you to be like this? Amber rolls her eyes and I whisper in her ear. "Here we go again!" I sigh and Amber giggles. "Aren't you tired of acting innocent Amber?" Emily scoffs. "Well, aren't you tired of getting in my way?" Amber replies smartly. "Peh, no" Emily scoffed again. "Then you know what I'm gonna say, don't you" Amber answered raising her eyebrows. And Emily storms away angrily.
I see Jade nearby and I rush over to her. "Lola! That was great! You were amazing! But I bet Bev has a crush on you now." I rolled my eyes and punched her lightly. "You idiot. Of course, he does! I saved his life dramatically." This time, Jade rolls her eyes. Suddenly, there was a scream.
"Ahh! Dirty peasants have left their disgusting germs ON MY PRESIOUS ROBES!"
"Ugh. Draco Junior again!" I smirked. I suddenly remembered the event of Draco. "You wouldn't believe this, but this rich kid attacked me in the halls earlier today. He told me Weasley's suck and he winded me."
"Oh!" She yelled. "You poor thing! He is such an idiot!"
"Alright Draco, stop being a crybaby and an idiot! Get up, or I'll tell your father to confiscate your things"
"But he won't cause I'm his very special child."
"Well I'm best friends with your Mother and she agrees with everything I say." Draco flushes a hot red and gets up, walking away into the castle. "Wait till my father hears about this!" He growls. Wren laughs. "OK everyone, finished learning how to ride your brooms?"
"YES" Said the class. "Well done! 10 points to each house except Slytherin, for one very unlucky child who ruined it for his house" There were a few chuckles of laughter and we slowly made our way toward the castle in pairs or small groups.
Red hair and a Hand-Me-Down robe? You must be a Weasley!
ActionLola Liana Weasley becomes the second youngest Weasley after Hermione married Ron. Amber Luna Weasley, her little sister, who is three months younger than Lola, is the youngest. When the two come to Hogwarts, they meet The Chosen One and the biggest...