Chapter 1

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Hey guys :)))))
So I made this story just as a summer story, so it won't be that long. I hope you guys enjoy this. Comment and vote please ;)
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"Hurry up, we need to be at the airport in 40 minutes!" Ugh. Calm down mother. But I know how she feels. I'm so excited to leave Chicago and start a new life in Florida. I have a really bad reputation here that basically ruined my first and second year of high school. Funny how just a rumor can ruin your life. "Megan? Are you ready?" He peeks his head into my room. My older brother is the best and most caring brother in the universe. Okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but still, he's pretty cool. He's 19, 2 years older then me. And has pretty much every girl after him.
He shoves his hand through his brown hair. "Are you gonna answer me?" He says impatiently. "James?"

"Whattttt?" He whines.
I chuckle. "Your sweats are inside out."

"Meg? Wake up." I swear who ever has the nerve to bother me I will slit their throat. Strong hands grab my shoulders and shake vigorously. "What?!" I snap at James. "Geez, look who's on their "lady days". We're landing in a minute so you need to be awake." I shoot him a glare, "That was last week and you know it."

"There it is!" I shout and push through the people to get my bag. Baggage claim. Everyone's favorite part of flying. After a good 30 minutes of standing at the baggage claim, we finally get all of our luggage. "You excited?" My mom smiles and slings her arm around my shoulder as we walk to a the parking lot. Both of my parents have had their fair share of Florida so we have lots of family and friends here. My mom's sister, aka Emma, the best aunt ever is waiting with here white Land Rover. She smiles right when she sees us. I run towards her as fast as I can but my suitcase apparently doesn't want that to happen. "Oh Meg you look so grown up!" She looks me up and down. I smile, "Thanks."

"So here it is." Emma grins as she pulls into her driveway. I get out of the car as soon as it stops and admire the house. It's pretty big and is a very bright blue color. This neighborhood has to be one of the nicest and prettiest neighborhoods of Miami. Each house has its own unique color. The one on our left side is bright yellow, my least favorite color. "Meg? Is that you?!" I hear a squeaking voice say. I turn towards the yellow house to see a very bright and cheerful woman standing in the doorway.

I don't wanna tell her 'um hi, I don't know who you are so stop talking to me' or else I would feel guilty for the next few days. "Meg, this is Jules, as you can see she's our neighbor and knew you when you were only 2." Emma says as she pushes me towards Jules. Thank God, Emma you saved me. "Hi Jules." I wave awkwardly. Curse my socially awkward trait. "You're so pretty!" She beams and cups my cheeks in here hand. I blush. I hate this topic. I mean I'm not the ugliest creature but sure not anything to special. I had dirty dirty blonde hair that goes up to my waist and hazel eyes. Praise Baby Jesus for spray tans cause I'm paler then every teen here. I mean come on, it's Florida. Jules finally lets go of my cheeks and steps back. "Do you remember Ky?" She asks. Please say she doesn't have a son pleaseeee. "Nope sorry." I shrug. " I thought so. He was only, what was it 2 months when you were born. Ya'll really need to catch up." She smiles. Hah I'll pass. I hear the screen door squeak open. I glance up from the ground and am met with a pleasant suprise. You must be Ky.

Ky takes his earbuds out of his ears and glances at his mom. "I heard my name." He crosses his arms over his chest."Were you eavesdropping young man?" Jules smirks. "Uh nope." Ky says popping the 'p'. He turns on his heals and is about to leave when Jules calls out, "Young man get back here. Ky this is Meg. Remember her?" Jules crosses her arms and taps her foot. You go glen coco. He looks at me and gives me a body check. I suddenly feel very exposed. He looks back at his mom and shakes his head. "Hi." Is all I manage to squeak out. I mean what girl wouldn't. He's gorgeous. His dark brown hair and shocking blue eyes goes perfect with his tan skin. Ugh stop being such a hormonal teenage girl. "Hey," he says and walks back inside. "Don't mind him. Anyway your aunt told me about you getting a job as one of the lifeguards down at the beach." She changes the subject. "Yup." I say.
"How nice! Ky is a lifeguard down there too, and you guys have the same shifts!" She beams. Really. The world hates me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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