Red Alert [Nose Bleed]

217 17 5

Requested by TaeBear on AO3

"Well, we wouldn't have to keep restarting the song if some people didn't keep messing up the footwork!" Hoseok yelled, the frustration was clear in his tone, they were at a dance practice, their comeback was just around the corner and they were currently practicing the choreography for the comeback, this comeback was a very difficult one as everyone was struggling with the choreography, "Take 5, we'll resume practice, maybe it'll go better after you all get some rest."

"We get that you're frustrated, but you don't have to yell, Hobi." Seokjin mumbled as they all moved to the back of the dance studio to sit down.

"I wouldn't yell if you all could just listen to me!" Hoseok retorted.

"Hyung. Don't shout, we're sorry, we'll listen next time." Jimin spoke, "My head hurts." He added.

"Not my problem. We need to perfect this in one week, and with how you all progress, our comeback will be absolute trash!" Hoseok said.

"It won't, Hobi, just relax, take a chill pil-"

"Keep your 'chill pills' to yourself, Joon!" Hoseok yelled, "This entire thing is so fucking frustrating. If we don't get this right, we're all going to have to sit through that stuck-up manager's scoldings."

"We get that, Hoba, but this comeback is taking a toll on everyone, especially you, as the dance leader, maybe we should take a day's break." Yoongi suggested.

"No, Yoongi hyung, you don't get it, if we don't perfect this, everyone will be disappointed!" Hoseok replied.

"I'm sure they won't be that disappointed, hyung, we could take a break." Jeongguk joined in.

"Like hell they won't be disappointed, they'll-" Hoseok cut himself off as he let out a gasp, "Tae! Are you alright?!"

Immediately, the attention goes to the second-youngest, who was standing off in the corner, blood dripping out of his nose.

"Huh? Yeah, h'ung...'m fine, just a little dizzy..." Taehyung replied.

"Oh gosh, your nose is bleeding!" Seokjin exclaimed, quickly rushing up to the second youngest.

"'M fine, hyungie~" Taehyung protests.

"Sure you are." Yoongi scoffed sarcastically, moving forward towards the second youngest as well.

"Here, Tae, sit down." Hoseok instructed, gently making the swayed second-youngest sit down and then gripping his hand to provide comfort.

"Jeongguk, there should be an ice-pack kept in the mini-fridge, could you bring that please?" Namjoon requested, the maknae nodded and rushed off to the corner where the mini-fridge was kept.

"Jimin, make sure Taehyung stays leaned forward." Hoseok directed, Jimin complied, gently holding up Taehyung so that he's leaned forward.

Yoongi crouched down in front of the second youngest and gently pinched the second youngest's nose, meanwhile, Seokjin began carding through Taehyung's hair, trying to bring him comfort and help him stay calm.

Jeongguk handed Namjoon the ice-pack he had brought and sat down along with Jimin, keeping Taehyung leaned forward.

Namjoon crouched down next to Taehyung and placed the ice-pack on his nose.

"Hyung~" Taehyung mumbled, "Dizzy..." He spoke.

"I know, hyungs are trying their best to help you, just hang in there, hyung's here." Seokjin replied, giving the younger a slight back hug.

"Hyu-" Taehyung cut off as his eyes rolled back into his skull.

"Tae!" All of them exclaim at once, they tried their best to stop his nose from bleeding, and eventually, the nose bleed stops.

"Quick, lay him down, raise his feet, fan him, we have to get him to consciousness." Seokjin instructed.

The members follow his instructions, Yoongi raises the second youngest's feet, Namjoon and Hoseok begin to fan him and the other two maknaes sit on each side, holding onto their fellow maknae's hands.

Eventually, Taehyung regained consciousness.

"Taehyung-ah, are you feeling better now?" Seokjin asked.

The second-youngest nodded in reply.

"Okay then, hyung, we'll go and talk to the manager because I think we've had enough practice for today." Hoseok spoke up, "I'm taking the other maknaes and Yoongi hyung with me because knowing our manager, he won't let us go home until and unless at least most of the members confirm what I tell him."

Seokjin nodded as if allowing them to go.

"Are you still dizzy?" Namjoon asked, after the other four had left.

Taehyung shook his head, "... S-Scared..." He admitted.

"Aw, it's okay, Taehyungie, it won't happen again, hyungs are here, we'll take care of you." Seokjin replied, offering the second-youngest a hug, immediately, Taehyung snuggled up to him.

"S-sorry..." Taehyung mumbled, "I-I wasted your time..."

"Don't say that, Tae, it wasn't your fault, you were too exhausted." Namjoon said, "We should take the day off tomorrow, hyung."

"Yeah." Seokjin hummed, carding through Taehyung's hair as the second-youngest laid down in the edest's lap.

"Okay! So we can go home for now and we've gotten the day off!" Hoseok announced as he walked in.

"Isn't that great, Tae?" Jimin asked his soulmate.

Taehyung nodded.

"Let's head home then!" Jeongguk cheered.

Seokjin and Namjoon, who are sitting next to the second-youngest help him to stand up, and hold him til the slight dizziness -that he still had- toned down.

The eldest and the leader held on to him the entire time, helping him to walk the entire way, and the other members also join in to help him walk.


After a while, when all seven of the boys are sitting in their car, with Seokjin driving, Taehyung fell asleep, his head leaning on to Namjoon's shoulder -who was sitting beside him.

"We shouldn't wake him up." Seokjin spoke as he parked the car in front of their dorm, "Namjoon-ah, can you carry him?" He requested.

The leader nodded, "Sure."

Namjoon gently picked up the second-youngest, and carried the sick boy to their shared room.

The members gathered in the room, and tucked in the second-youngest, setting up BT21 plushies near him for him to hug, giving him the fluffiest blanket in the entire dorm and placing a water bottle on a small table next to his bed.

They left the sick boy after giving his sleeping form warm smiles and whispering a few 'get well soon's.


Shitty ending pt. 9 (I guess?)

This request was mostly Kim-line focused so...

Anyways, that's all I have to say, have a good day ( that rhymes, ey!) 


PS: y'all please support Yoongi-

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