Base Camp

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In Part 1, I introduce Clarissa- her fears, her feelings and her general worldview- this is how I felt when I was going through puberty and the whole idea of pouring it out here is to remind any young readers out there- that you're not alone. It's a very scary, startling and nerve-wracking experience for all of us. Skip over to part 2 if this does not interest you and you'd like to dive straight into the romance part. Enjoy!


I was hiding behind my fridge and I could hear the five-legged monster creeping into the kitchen. Suddenly, the sound of its footsteps stop, I look up and he suddenly pounced upon me out from the shadows and before he could attack me- my eyes flipped open from my sleep. I felt my arms and my body slowly, drifting away from the nightmare noticing how I had broken into cold sweat. My dad came into the room and yelled my name on the top of his lungs shaking my legs to wake me up. He pulled my blanket out and stood there demanding me to get out of bed.

Frankly, I did not want to get out or go to school. I never did. The whole experience of going to school felt like torture, more so since I got my period for the first time. I grew hair in my armpits last month. I feel strange enough already and my chest started growing too, which makes me feel incredibly conscious about myself. I used to think it would be fun to grow them and be a big girl when I was 8. Now, I feel nervous when I go to school because being one of the three girls in the class who grew this part so quickly I get way too much attention- or maybe it is all in my head- I don't really know what to believe.

To my surprise, I keep getting more and more surprised in very embarrassing ways everyday. Just yesterday, after our PE class, we had came back after playing volleyball. On Wednesdays we wear white, and I was wearing my white skirt. The teacher asked me to clear the blackboard. I walked up to pick the duster and Mimi- my best friend, runs up to me and tells me there's something on my skirt. I look behind and it looks like a crime scene and I look back at the class. If I believed for even a second earlier that people weren't looking- well this time everyone was looking. I could see a group of guys in the back of the back snickering, some other girls whispering and practically everyone was laughing at me. When my period starts, the colour of it is brown... To think what they must've thought about it- ARGH. EMBARRASSING. How could I go back to class?

I shrug that thought out of my mind and decide to get up and get ready anyways. It's a new day, the least I can do is act confident even if I don't feel confident.

While I wait for the bus, I look around to see if Mimi is going to be late again today as well. She is usually late for school, somehow. She is the fairest, smartest, prettiest and sweetest girl I have ever met in my life. Well, I'm not racist and I don't think the colour of your skin matters- but only for others. Growing up I have been told on multiple occasions that I would be pretty if only I was light-skinned, so no matter what anyone says I still feel insecure about it. I am jealous of Mimi too because of how pretty and perfect she is. She's on top of the class and I keep falling second to her in everything. I wish I could be more like her.

The bus comes to pick me up to what me and Mimi call school- the base camp. We spend all of our time in school together, except when we both go for our music and dance classes. I prefer to sing, and she prefers to dance. It gives us both some time off of each other too- to be friends with more people and get to know ourselves better- or well that's what Mimi says. I keep missing her through the whole hour, she's the only person I like to. We call the school our base camp because we come up with the randomest ideas there- so whenever we can execute our big escape from this school, we know exactly where to place the bombs to blow this whole thing up when it comes down to it.


xoxo lovelies. I hope you enjoyed this and if you did please let me know in the comments. I am neurodivergent and I would love to know more about whether my writing style was easy to understand or not. Please drop in constructive criticism, praises or whatever you'd like- and be kind! See you all soon with the next chapter. <3

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