Chapter 41

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I was watching my wife sleeping after being sedated. She was hysterical so the doctor had to sedate her because her blood pressure was also increasing rapidly. I honestly don't like this sight of her, connected to all these machines. I mean, we still have two months to go before meeting our baby.

Ndamase walks in,

Me: "Are they okay?"

Ndamase: "For now, yes. If your wife continues being under a lot of pressure or stress then we will be forced to put her into early labor."

Me: "What? We are only 7 months pregnant."

Ndamase: "Calm down man, for now I'm waiting to see if her blood pressure will decrease and if it does then I'm discharging her."


I had to drive back home to shower and change and also get some new clothes for my wife. My mother insisted on dishing up a lunchbox for Noma. When I got back in her ward, she was still asleep but I was thankful that she was not connected to those machines again. I rested on the couch a bit. My phone rang and it was my uncle.

Me: "Malume?"

Malume: "Mshana. How are you ?"

Me: "I'm okay..."

Malume: "Yeah, nathi siyaphila. I need your brother-in-law's number or that girl's number." i frown.

Me: "Why?"

Malume: "Stop asking me nonsense and find me the numbers."

Me: "I will see what I can do."

Malume: "Send it before the end of today." I take out Noma's phone from my pocket and search for her brother's number. I send it to my uncle as soon as I find it. She stirs before she opens her eyes.

me: "Hey baby." I kiss her lips and brush her hair.

Noma: "How is our baby?"

Me: "Ndamase said the baby is safe and is okay as long as you stop stressing." she sighs and sits up. I help her get comfortable before taking out her food and feeding her.

Ndamase: "Oh! It's good to see you awake, Mrs."

Noma: "I hope you are discharging me."

Ndamase: "Yes but I would like to see you again in a week."

Noma: "Is my baby in danger?"

Ndamase: "Not anymore. That is also why i want to monitor you closely since it seems like your last months will be tough."

Me: "Thank you man." he hands me the discharge papers to sign and leaves after i've signed them.

Me: "Let's go home, my love." i say helping her to the bathroom.


When we got home, we found our moms drinking tea with MaKhoza.

MaKhoza: "Makoti, you look so beautiful mntanami." my wife blushes.

Noma: "You are playing with me mah." we join them.

MaKhumalo: "MaKhoza had something to tell us before you walked in."

MaKhoza: "Oh! Uh Khaya has been trying to locate your son MaKhumalo and that girl but it is like we keep hitting a dead end. That girl seems to be using some strong muti because I also can't do anything. At this point, my hands are tied."

MaKhumalo: "Kodwa jehovah!" she buries her face in her hands sighing.

MaKhoza: "I will not rest nor give up until I help that boy. Don't worry MaKhumalo."

MaKhumalo: "Mkhwenyana, can you please drive me to my house?"

Me: "okay." I stand up and follow her to my car. I open the door for her first then round up to my side. The whole drive is silent until I oark the car infront of her yard.

MaKhumalo: "What the..?!" she says in shock as we both stare at her son and some guys chilling on her front lawn. I walk her inside.

Sihle: "Here comes my queen!" he says cheerfully lifting his bottle of beer in hand. He comes towards us and hugs his mother forcefully.

MaKhumalo: "Don't touch me with your alcohol-stinking-self." she says frowning and pushing him off her.

Sihle: "Oh so this cheeseboy has replaced me now?! Is that it?! You think he's better than me?!"

MaKhumalo: "Simangesihle, take your little drunkard friends with you and get the hell out of my yard!" she shouts.

Sihle: "Oh no! We are still chilling mah."

Me: "Man, can you please do as you're told?! Stop causing unnecessary trouble! You see how troubled this woman is? She is still in mourning, she can't be screaming like this and I think you're old enough to see that what you're doing is wrong and plain old stupid."

Sihle: "Who are you calling stupid wena?!" he asks angrily grabbing me with my t-shirt. I push him off me gently and dust my shirt before looking him straight in the eye.

Me: "You don't want to have problems with me! Take your sh*t and leave!"

Sihle: "This is my house! If anything, I want you Thembisiwe Khumalo, to get your sh* t and leave, including your daughters!"

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