Chapter 16: Heartbreak

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Hermione looked out her bedroom window. The world seemed to be crying along with her. So this is what heartbreak feels like, she thought. The time she had her heart first broken was when- someone- rejected her request to be her valentine. Then again when she had to reject Ron on the night of their first kiss. That all felt like nothing compared to this. She hated hearing her parents talk about her 'witchery' but anywhere was better than with...  Hermione broke down every time she thought of him. Her mother lightly knocked on her bedroom door. "Ready to go to King's Cross?" "Oh, yeah." Hermione wiped her tears and forced a smile. Her mom hugged her tight. "We'll figure it all out okay?" She kissed Hermione's forehead. Hermione nodded. She knew they weren't on the same page but she didn't feel like talking about any of this with her mum. 

Always and Forever (Prequel) second yearWhere stories live. Discover now