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bumblebee is team prime bumblebee but with the blade mask and gun from live action.

Unlike in the comic this takes place during the war.

Bumblebees pov:

I wasn't always on team prime and even more I wasn't always a autobot. Frag I wasn't always bumblebee either. The sun was setting and soon it would be Knight fall. It was cold at the refuge camp. A camp where autobot and neutrals stayed. I was only staying here because they forced me to. It was out of concern I had been in a explosion that was meant for the autobots and had a bad side wound. As soon as I was better I was gone. I can't stand the war it had taken so much from me. My parents, my sister and brother, my best friends I was all that reminded.

 Some of the Other bots picked on me for my sise and color. It annoyed me and I wanted to punch them for it but I knew I couldn't so I have to ignore it. The day was gloomy from the war the air smelled of burning piles rust from the pits of cayon. Ratchet the head medic at the camp was forcing all of the wounded to have a daily check up. Unlike most of the refugees I hated being here surrounded by autobot who just egged on the war. I arrived at the med tent and hoped that today will be the day he will release me. He knows I want to leave so he is probably going to hold me for extra time. The tent was a cool gray with a few energon splatters but that's just what happens in war. It smelled even worse in here than out there. I grounded as I walked in my side still felt like it was on fire but I couldn't let him see that. Though I doubt I can hid it from him I wanted to go back home or what was left of it anyway. "hello B-127 Ready" I just nod and sit on the berth. He checks it for some time obviously seeing something wrong.

 He grunts when he uncovered a bigger part of the wound. He runs his digest over it. I flinch away at the pain. Scrap I've blown it. I say to myself he looks up at me. "So B-127 how dose it feel" he questioned me as he stood all the way up. "Feels fine am I good to go" he writes something down on one of the data pads and grumbled something I couldn't hear. "I know what your trying to do and no you are not good to go your wound has gotten infected" (A/N I don't know if their wounds can get infected but they can here) I grumble frag to myself knowing I'm going to be here a lot longer. "You are good to leave the tent" he slightly yelled tent. I had already tried to escape before and had to have two autobots practically drag me back. "Got it" I say and leave the awful smelling tent after he treated and patched up my wound again. I walk through the middle of the camp to the sleeping area. They had converted one of the old tall cybertronian buildings into a sleeping hall. Most of the rooms had just a small cot for us. We were each assigned a room and a cot. Mine was on the second floor they had thought that I would have trouble climbing the stairs (witch I didn't) because of my wound. 

I reached my designated area and see one of the other bots already in their. He was Sitting on the cot checking over his gun. "Hey ratchet release you yet" he was a grey flyer with purple on the ends of his wings and the rest of his body just follows the same pattern. "No he said it got infected" he let out a grunt. "So B-127 when do you think you'll get out" he was autobot. "Highfire I've already told you ratchet won't answer and you know why" I say annoyed. "yeah cause you wanna dich this place for some reason" I turn and start packing a small bag that I then put in my subspace. "Making another break for it I see" he was the only bot I actually talked to. No I didn't consider him my friend just a rando you meet along the way. "I'm going to make it out this time" I turned and walked to the door "sure you are just do me a favor and don't rat me out for not telling when you get caught" he says and finished checking his gun and set it down beside him. "Don't worry I won't" and walk through the door. I don't know why they made me stay here but they sure were content on it. 

The one thing that I wanted to get back to was the iron cliffs overlooking the city and the small town that lived below some of the Really young bots still lived there. I could actual make friends and maybe start a new life. I loved to see the really young bots playing in the streets it was one of the very few towns not destroyed by war. I quietly walked up to the short end of the wall. The entire camp was enclosed by a wall. I jump up as silently as I could and pull myself up and over dropping down without a sound on the other side. good thing a scout learns to be silent.

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