CH1: Attorney meets client

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Winifred's POV:

"Rape and sexual harassment?! I never even touched the girl!" I rolled my eyes at his outburst, and at the fact he called me a girl. I'm 26;  a grown ass woman with a law degree. Yelling wasn't going to help his case. Technically by the looks of it, nothing would if I didn't step in. This wasn't coming from a place of arrogance, but rather a realistic lens. No one would want to represent a billionaire accused of rape who was notorious for being a casanova . Not only did the press live to see someone like him fall, but someone so successful in the business world simply forms enemies. Enemies who no doubt want to not only see him fall, but crash and burn hard too. He glares at me and I almost cringe when he opens his mouth again. Instead, I opt to just stare at him with the most bored look on my face. This will be a very watched high-profile case, and if I lose I could potentially damage my reputation.

"What do you want? Money? You could've just asked instead of falsely accusing me of such things. I've never even seen you before. Do you work in one of my departments?" I can't help but scoff; he thinks I'm the desperate girl suing him? As if, if it weren't for Martinez being a friend I would've told this guy to fudge off and better luck at the next law office.

"Nat-"I raise my hand to cut off Martinez.

"I've got this Marty" I say, he nods and gestures to the dickhead before both of them settle into their seats. I nod at the wiser of the two and close the door after them.

"Who-" He starts but I hold up my hand again.

"Can you just shut up for once and listen to what I have to say because right now I'm your best bet of getting you out of this mess" I say. He narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything. I lean my back against the wall and fold my arms across my chest. Exhaustion was taking its toll on me, I only slept for 3 hours before being summoned here to help an old and deserving friend. Marty has helped me for most of my 26 years of existence. I wouldn't be where I was without him; a successful criminal attorney and partner.

"Winifred Santos. I'm not the desperate slut trying to take some of your money, I'm your lawyer so unless you want to end up rotting in some cell for a few years or maybe months since the justice systems seems to fail when it comes to rapists, I suggest you listen to what I say and keep your talking to a minimum." I glance at him; pausing to see if he'll stay quiet before taking a seat behind my desk that now separates us.

"What makes you think you could get me out of this mess? I'm sure you know who I am. I can easily hire some of the best known lawyers and that was the plan until Martinez here suggested a friend and said friend is you. So, tell me; why should I put my future in your hands?" He questions and gazes into my eyes with such intensity. I fight the urge to get up and get out. I sigh and look at the clock. I could be watching How to Get Away with Murder with some ice cream right now as I yell at Annalise Keating about how to properly and legally do her job.

"Honestly, I don't give two shits who you are. In my eyes, a client is a client. Now as to your insanely stupid and ignorant question, I am the best. I am damn good at my job, and not that I have to justify that to you seeing as you came to me whether it was Marty's move or yours, but I'm partner here, I have an Ivy law degree, I've been nominated and given many awards, I even briefly taught criminal law. Do I need to say anymore than that? I don't think so. When we get in front of the jury, the last thing they're going to want to see is some old male lawyer looking like he's trying to defend his old buddy from his alma matter's  spoiled son instead of your innocence. If they see me, a women, there's a likelihood of more trust. No sane woman would defend a rapist. And lastly, I'm doing this for Marty. You're the last person on my radar when it comes to helping out so either you find some way to deal with your superiority- toxic masculinity complex or leave because I. don't. beg." I state with no hesitance or remorse knowing full well how much of a bitch I was coming off as. I resume staring at him with a bored expression, and this time there's an eyebrow raised.

"I don't have a superiority- toxic masculinity complex; just making sure I know who's representing me" He says with an equally bored tone. If I wasn't already annoyed by him, I would've found his nonchalance at my bitchiness impressive. It was like he's use to the bitch tongue or expected it. I don't dwell too much on that thought and shrug as if to say "if you say so" before leaning back in my chair, feeling it extend all the way backwards.

"Now answer my question, did you do it?" I question.

"Of course not, what do you take me as?" He sounds insulted I even considered it and it's enough for me to bet he's telling the truth. I wasn't lying when I said no sane woman would represent a rapist. Friend or not, I wasn't going to let that override my morals.

"Great, guess this just got a whole lot easier" I say. He only raises his eyebrows at me.

"Now, down to business. Got a girlfriend?" I question leaning forward against the desk. I've decided there's no comfortable way of sitting in this chair.

"Eager are we?" He jokes with the same bored expression. I roll my eyes ignoring his comment.

"Answer the question" I say flatly.

"No" He crosses his arms and stares lazily at me.

"Get one" He starts to open his mouth, but I signal for him to shut up.

"Any flings, get rid of them. Partying, tone it down, and nothing even the slightest bit illegal"

"I didn't realize you were my mother" Ignoring his jibe again, I roll my eyes. For someone who has serious allegations against them, he wasn't acting all that serious.

"Look, this whole thing hasn't gone public yet meaning when it does everyone will believe said victim because of your reputation. The girlfriend is not for the jury, she's for the press. The jury are picked without background on the case. However, knowing how well known you are it'd mean having to find people who live under rocks. Regardless, the better your image is the better this will be for all of us. So what you'll do is find yourself a pretty girlfriend, but don't tell her shit. It'd be better if you actually did know her and trust her so she'd be less of a liability in the future but you can't be tried twice for the same crime so what do I care. It'll be your problem to deal with the girlfriend after the trial. We can't cut you off of partying because we aren't trying to be overtly fake here-"

"We're being fake by getting a fake girlfriend" Ignoring him again I continue on with my tangent.

"-and once this goes public then you're going to be watched even more. Every single move you make will be documented and commented on. Don't forget that."

"And if I don't listen to you?" I sigh at his stupid question. Both sides of this case are stupid, I mean the girl for informing us she's pressing charges us therefore buying us time and this idiot who doesn't even realize how much trouble he could get in.

"You want to risk rotting in a jail cell and tarnishing your reputation, not to mention Baganezi Enterprise will cease to exist, or realistically speaking some board member who secretly hates you will take over" Saying it aloud made me realize how much work I was in for. Sigh, I rub circles at the side of my head.

"Now get out, I want you to have a girlfriend by Thursday, it's Sunday. The sooner the better."


"Shut up and get out" I point towards the door. I hear him curse under his breath before the door slams shut. I rest my head on the desk. This was going to be the longest case ever.

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