Chapter 17: The Platform

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When Hermione arrived at Platform 9 and 3/4 she saw Luna and immediately ran to her. "Mione!" Luna said waving. They embraced. "C'mon! Let's get onto the platform before the train leaves!" Hermione rushed to the barrier. "Oh. Okay." Luna wanted to wait for Harry and she didn't really understand why Hermione was in such a rush. The truth was Hermione didn't wanna run into Ron. She just wasn't ready to talk to him. That meant leaving Ginny on her own but she figured she'd manage. Luckily only minutes after Luna and Hermione got onto the train Ginny rushed on too. She gave Hermione an awkward smile and went to find an empty compartment. Okay this is strange, Luna thought. Ginny is usually so energetic and happy. I mean it's annoying but it's her personality. That's weird. But she tried to ignore it and followed Hermione to an empty compartment. "Hopefully Harry hurries up or he'll miss the train." Luna said glancing at her watch. Hermione wasn't paying attention. She was staring absentmindedly out the window. "Granger!" Luna snapped her fingers in front of her face. "What?!" Hermione jumped. "What is up with you?" Luna urged. "It's a long story." Hermione replied. "Well, I have the whole train ride." Luna folded her hands in her lap.

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