The First Encounter

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Author's Note

"Well, I have not done with the story cover because my drawing sucks. This is the first time I've written so the story might be ass, and English is my second language so my grammar will be ass as well. If you like my story, you can help me by sharing it, and I appreciate it. If you don't, that fine, I'm not your dad, so I can't tell you what to do. If you find any plot holes or mistakes, I'd appreciate a comment. Thank you."

As the sun blazed brightly in the sky, signaling the start of a beautiful day, our classroom was buzzing with excitement. Today was the day of our highly anticipated field trip. Our destination? The middle of nowhere, deep within a sprawling wood. who wouldn't want to spend an entire day traipsing through the middle of nowhere in the woods? I mean, it's not like we have anything better to do, like watching paint dry or counting clouds. And the only source of entertainment we have on this field trip is a box of stale crackers and an old deck of cards. Can't wait to find out what thrilling adventures await us in the land of boredom.
Maria, looking less than thrilled about the field trip, glanced at Allison with a mixture of annoyance and boredom."Why are we even going to the middle of nowhere in the woods?" Maria grumbled, rolling her eyes. "There are tons of fun places we could go instead."
Allison quickly chimes in, always finding the positive in any situation. "Oh, there's tons of fun things we can do in the woods! Camping, having a barbecue, watching the stars, and playing card games!" Her cheerful demeanor only seemed to annoy Maria more. Maria retorted with a grumpy expression, her arms crossed in defiance. "I'd rather stay at home than go to the middle of nowhere in the woods," she muttered, the idea of being stuck in the wilderness clearly not appealing to her.As Maria and Allison were talking about the field trip, they were interrupted by the appearance of the three bullies from class. They immediately zeroed in on Marcus, like usual, and began harassing him about his nerdy demeanor.
"Hey look, it's Marcus the nerd," Anthony sneered, a cruel smirk on his face.
"Still carrying around those books, huh?" Ryan taunted, snatching one from Marcus's hands.
Maria rolled her eyes again, annoyed by the cliché bully behavior."Here we go again, another Disney-esque bully situation. Can't they come up with something original?" she muttered, rolling her eyes again. She had grown tired of witnessing the constant torment of her classmate.
Allison looked at Maria with a pleading tone. "Hey, Maria. Can't we do something? They're bullying Marcus AGAIN." Maria sighed, her irritation evident in her voice. "Yeah, I know. It's so frustrating. And it's always the same trio of bullies." Allison persisted, her concern for her friend's wellbeing visible. "Then why don't we help him? We can't just sit here and watch them pick on him every time."Maria shot a defiant glare at Allison. "I don't want to get involved in this situation," she stated firmly. "I've had enough of their nonsense. It's not our responsibility to deal with those bullies." Allison's concerned expression didn't waver. "But we can't just turn away," she protested. "Marcus needs our help. He can't fight them off on his own."As Allison and Maria continued to debate whether to intervene, Marcus' sister Kayla, having witnessed the torment of her brother, couldn't remain silent any longer. With an air of fiery determination, Kayla stepped forward, approaching the group. "Hey! That's enough!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with indignation. "Leave my brother ALONE!"
Maria, observing Kayla's righteous defense of her brother, couldn't help but comment. "Great, now this feels like a scene straight out of a Disney movie or something. 'The protective sister stands up to bullies to defend her sibling.' How cliché." Allison shot her a disapproving look. Anthony, the leader of the bullies, sneered at Kayla. "Well, well, well look who decided to get involved," he taunted. "Think you can save your wimpy brother from us?" Kayla stood tall, her gaze unwavering. "You bet I can," she retorted defiantly. "You think picking on my brother makes you tough? Well, it doesn't. It just makes you pathetic.
"Anthony sneered at Kayla, his arrogance apparent.
"Oh, is someone feeling brave?" he taunted, a wicked smile on his face.
Kayla, unshaken by his attempt to intimidate her, shot back with equal venom.
"Brave? No, I'm just tired of seeing your pathetic attempts to assert dominance over someone weaker than you. But let me tell you something, bully. You're nothing but a coward hiding behind a veneer of false bravado."
Marcus tried to intervene, his voice tinged with concern.
"Kayla, please stop. You're going to make it worse. They'll just target me more," he pleaded, his eyes filled with worry.
However, Kayla, her protective instinct in full force, snapped back at her brother.
"No, Marcus! I'm not going to let them keep picking on you. I don't care what they do, I'm not standing idly by. Someone has to stand up to these bullies!
"Kayla's anger reached its boiling point, and she began lashing out at the bullies with a barrage of biting words. "Cowards, weaklings, pathetic excuses for human beings - that's all you are," she sneered. "You think you're tough by bullying someone weaker than you, but that just shows your own weakness. You're nothing but a cowardly waste of space."
Anthony, enraged by Kayla's scathing words, lost his composure completely. His face contorted with anger, and he took a step towards her, balling his fist as if preparing to strike. "You're asking for it, aren't you, you little brat?" he growled, his voice filled with animosity. Maria, having witnessed Kayla's defiant outburst against the bullies, reached her breaking point. Unable to endure any longer, she stepped forward, her own frustration evident in her words. "God, this is just so cringe," she exclaimed, interrupting the tension-filled exchange between Kayla and the bullies. "Can you all just stop with the cheesy lines and insults? You sound like you're in a bad teen movie."
Anthony, visibly angered by Maria's interruption, snapped his attention towards her. "And who the hell do you think you are, butting in like that?" he spat, his expression full of animosity.Maria, unfazed by Anthony's hostility, retorted with a defiant stance, her hands clenched into fists. "Oh, so you want to fight, is that it?" she sneered, her gaze steady. "Bring it on, tough guy."
Derek, one of the bullies, hurled a water bottle towards Maria in an attempt to intimidate her. However, showing her quick reflexes, Maria dodged the bottle with ease and responded with an almost mocking smirk. "Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that if you want to hit me. Now i'm sound cheesy"The water bottle, missing its target in Maria, instead collided with the sleeping Noah, who was quietly listening to music with his AirPods in. Startled by the sudden impact, he jerked awake with a disgruntled look on his face. Noah, still groggy and irritated from being abruptly woken up, shot a sharp glare at them. Although he didn't say anything, his expression spoke volumes - he was unquestionably annoyed and pissed off by their antics. As Noah stood up, intending to confront the bullies, a teacher who had been sleeping suddenly woke up and intercepted the situation. The teacher, recognizing the brewing conflict, stepped in to prevent any further escalation. "Alright, that's enough!" the teacher firmly reprimanded, intervening between the students. "There will be no fighting on this trip. Take your seats and behave yourselves."
The teacher's stern voice echoed throughout the bus, addressing Noah. "Noah, I said no fighting!" the teacher stated firmly. "Settle down and return to your seat. And that goes for all of you. No more disruptions." Noah, reluctantly obeying the teacher's command, sat back down in his seat, still visibly bristling with anger.
Noah's expression turned from mild annoyance to a mixture of disbelief and frustration. He shot a bewildered look at the teacher, his eyes conveying a silent message: "Are you serious? I didn't even do anything. I just stood up." Despite his desire to explain himself, Noah chose to remain silent and reluctantly sat back down, his frustration evident in his tensed shoulders.
previously chaotic atmosphere had been calmed momentarily by the teacher's intervention. Students, still riled up from the earlier confrontation, settled back into their seats, some still exchanging occasional glares or whispers.
The bus finally came to a halt at a small gas station, and the teacher addressed the students. "Alright, everybody," the teacher announced, "we've arrived at a gas station for a quick break. You have 10 minutes to buy some snacks or use the restrooms. Make sure you're back on the bus promptly when it's time to go."
The gas station appeared modest and somewhat antiquated, its age apparent. It was located in a more isolated area, detached from the urban landscape, making it an anomaly in the midst of a rural backdrop.
The students eagerly exited the bus, stretching their limbs and enjoying the chance to move around after the long journey. The gas station awaited them, an oasis of snack choices and restrooms. Some students quickly made a beeline for the restrooms, while others scattered throughout the gas station, their eyes darting from one snack display to another as they pondered their snack options.
Maria and Allison entered the gas station together, discussing their snack choices. "What should we get?" Maria mused aloud, perusing the snack section with Allison. "I'm thinking maybe some chips and a soda."Maria, feeling a little rebellious, added with a smirk, "Ah, screw it. Let's grab some chips, a soda, and hell, even some ice cream while we're at it. We're on a field trip, after all. Let's treat ourselves."
Allyson chimed in with a light-hearted jab. "Whoa, you're really going all out on the snacks there, Maria," she teased. "You're gonna get fat if you eat all that!"
Maria's cheeks tinged with a subtle blush at Allison's comment, but she retorted defensively, "Oh, shut up, I won't get fat. And even if I do, I can just work it off later. Besides, you never know when your time is up. Why not enjoy the little pleasures in life like chips and ice cream now, right?"As they made their way to the refrigerator area, Maria and Allison noticed Noah standing nearby, choosing his own ice cream flavor. He seemed lost in his own thoughts, quietly inspecting the selection.
Maria, her curiosity piqued, whispered to Allison, "Seriously, why does Noah always look so pissed-off? And why does he always seem so tired? It's like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in ages. Maria, feeling audacious, approached Noah, a mischievous glint in her eye. She began with a teasing jab, "Hey, fish eyes." Noah turned to face her, his expression still aloof and detached, but he said nothing in response, merely meeting her gaze with a blank stare. As Maria greeted him with her playful nickname, Noah turned his gaze towards her and retorted with a simple question, "Fish eyes?" His tone was dry and unamused, his expression unchanged. Maria responded with a half-smirk, explaining her choice of nickname. "Because your eyes, they kind of resemble fish eyes," she said. "You know, those dead, drooping eyes. But honestly, I should've gone with 'panda eyes' instead. Sounds more fitting, don't you think?"
Allison chimed in, cautioning against Maria's banter. "Hey, you can't talk to him like that," she said, her tone gentle but firm. Turning to Noah, Allison offered a sincere apology on Maria's behalf. "I'm sorry about her. She's just being snarky, as usual."Noah, still wearing his blank expression, finally spoke a single word as he tried to familiarize himself with their names. "You are..." he repeated, his voice trailing off as he paused, clearly trying to recall their names. His confusion was evident in the minor furrowing of his eyebrows. Allison let out a fake chuckle, feigning surprise as she responded. "You don't know us?" she asked, her tone dripping with feigned disbelief. "We've been classmates for like two years now!" Maria, who was standing behind Allison, also chimed in, equally surprised. "Yeah, how do you not remember us? We've been in the same classes since forever."
Allison, with her cheerful demeanor, introduced herself first. "I'm Allison taylor," she said, her voice bright and pleasant."And I'm Maria," maria added, her tone initially blunt yet revealing a hint of warmth underneath her outer shell. Noah mumbled a half-hearted apology, his voice lacking any inflection or excitement. "Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm bad at remembering names," he stated matter-of-factly, his expression remaining stoic and unreadable. As the confusion cleared, Noah awkwardly introduced himself once again, stating the obvious despite the fact that they already knew his name. "I'm Noah," he mumbled again, his tone somewhat sheepish and uncomfortable. Maria rolled her eyes playfully, responding to Noah's unnecessary introduction. "We know, Fisheyes," she echoed, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "You've only told us like three times already."Noah, after the slightly awkward exchange, bid them a brisk farewell. "Okay, alright. See you around then Allison and Adams ," he said, a hint of relief in his tone. He then proceeded to make his way to the counter to pay for his ice cream.
Maria's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she couldn't help but blurt out, "Did he just call me 'Adams'? That's my last name! It totally sounds like a boy's name!"
Having been teased earlier by Maria with the name "Fish eyes," Noah inadvertently got his unspoken revenge by accidentally calling her by her last name, which happened to sound masculine. It was a subtle but mischievous way for him to get back at her for the earlier jab about his eyes.
As Noah stepped back into the bus, his thoughts swirled in his head. He pondered the previous encounter, wondering why he had introduced himself to Allison and Maria three times even though he couldn't pinpoint where he might have met them before. The unanswered questions echoed in his mind, but he remained silent and contemplative.
The Sheriff, dressed in his usual uniform, entered the gas station with a booming voice. "Ohh, y'all are the kids here for the field trip, ain't ya?" he drawled, his accent thick and cowboy-like. He looked around, his eyes meeting the group of students. The Sheriff chuckled, resting his large hands on Marcus' shoulder. "Have a blast in here! I've got no clue why y'all picked this place for a field trip, but hey, have a good time!" he said, his wide smile radiating a friendly demeanor.
The Sheriff, with a playful twinkle in his eye, leaned in towards Marcus and said with a jokingly sinister tone, "But beware of the monsters in the woods! BOO!" He then broke into a hearty laugh, adding, "Just kidding! Have fun, you young'uns!"
Marcus and Kayla, having completed their snack shopping, exited the gas station, carrying their respective bags of treats. The Sheriff bid them farewell as they departed, his friendly presence lingering for a moment. As Marcus and Kayla left the gas station, they were abruptly stopped by a disheveled-looking man with a bearskin robe and wild, unkempt hair. He bellowed at them, a frenzied look in his eyes. "Don't go into the woods! There's a monster! Leave this town now!" His voice carried a mix of desperation and panic.
The man's frantic warnings continued as he shouted at the students, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "You kids, listen to me! Don't go into the woods! There's a horrifying creature there! You must leave this town now, before you become its next prey!"
Some students couldn't help but chuckle or snap pictures and videos of the man, treating his warnings like a scene out of a fairy tale. One of the girls mockingly remarked, "Yeah, like in a fairy tale."
The Sheriff, frustrated by the man's antics, stepped out of the gas station and shouted at him, his irritation evident in his tone. "Hey, you old bastard, stop scaring the kids! Get the hell out of here!"
The man, fearing the Sheriff's authority, quickly scurried away, shouting, "Get out! Get out!" in a panicked voice. He vanished into the distance, eager to avoid further confrontation or potential arrest.
The Sheriff reassured the students, attempting to quell any lingering unease. "Don't you worry, kids. That man was just a crazed old fool. There's no need to take his warnings seriously."
Once all the students had boarded the bus, the teacher conducted a roll call to ensure everyone was present. They then set off on their journey, the bus rumbling to life and departing from the gas station towards their destination.
The Sheriff stood at the gas station, waving and smiling broadly as the bus pulled away. "Have fun, young fellows!" he called out, his voice laced with genuine warmth and well-wishes.
Marcus, sitting on the bus, wore a worried expression on his face. He seemed unusually pensive and concerned, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery. Marcus' sister, Kayla, noticed the worried look on her brother's face. She gently asked, "Hey, what's wrong? You seem troubled."
Marcus responded to Kayla with a pensive tone, his words tinged with worry. "In the movies, when the crazy man is right, we always end up trapped and slaughtered by those creatures. It's not a comforting thought."Kayla tried to reassure her brother, her voice calm and reassuring. "It's not like we're in a Netflix show. Those are just fairy tales. We'll be fine."
Marcus fell silent, not arguing any further. He turned his gaze to the window and focused on the passing scenery, his worries still lingering in his mind. As Marcus observed their surroundings, a thought struck him. He noted to himself that he hadn't noticed any tourists or other cars on the way to this place, making the area seem eerily isolated.
Marcus overheard two girls chatting in the back. One girl asked, "Why are we even going to the woods in the first place?" Another girl chimed in, "I heard that that area belongs to the family of the school owner, so they don't have to spend much on the school trip."One of the girls, expressing her disapproval, muttered, "What a cheap bastard." Her tone was laced with frustration and disappointment at the situation.
Marcus, overhearing the girls' conversation, made the connection. He thought to himself, "Oh, that explains it. That area must be privately owned by the school. No wonder there were no tourists around."
After approximately six minutes of traveling on the bus, they reached a large bridge that connected the two lands in the middle, with a vast expanse of water surrounding it.
Approximately 17 minutes later, the bus came to a halt near a cabin with two levels. The students disembarked from the bus, preparing to enter the cabin as their destination loomed before them.
The teacher spoke up, her voice authoritative and firm. "Alright, kids, listen up." Her tone demanded attention and order among the students.
The teacher continued, emphasizing the rules of their stay. "You're not allowed to cross the fence to the other side. It's trespassing, and I won't tolerate any shenanigans. Understand?"The teacher added another restriction, her voice carrying a warning tone. "You are strictly forbidden to go outside after dinner. I want everyone in the cabins for the night. No exceptions."The teacher continued, outlining the procedure for going into the woods. "If you want to venture into the woods during the day, you'll need to request permission from us. There are four teachers accompanying you on this trip for safety reasons.The teacher added one final warning, her voice stern. "For the god sake, don't do anything stupid. That means no sneaking out, no fooling around, and no mischief. Behave yourselves and stay in line."
The teacher provided the schedule for meals and shower times. "Breakfast will be served at 7 a.m. Lunch will be at 11 a.m., and dinner will be at 5 p.m. Girls, your shower time is from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. sharp. Boys, your shower time will be from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Don't be late, or you'll miss your turn.
TheThe teacher added another event to the schedule. "We're also having a BBQ tonight. Tomorrow, we'll embark on an early hiking adventure, so make sure you wake up by 8 a.m. to prepare for the hike." The teacher dismissed the students, directing them to their respective quarters. "Alright, chop chop! Girls, head upstairs, and boys, head downstairs. Get settled in your rooms, and make sure you unpack your belongings.
"The cabin was spacious and old but livable. It got two floor and had enough room to comfortably accommodate the entire class. The teacher guided the students to their separate areas for the girls and boys on the second and first floor, respectively. In every room, four students had been assigned to share the space. Some of them were busy unpacking their bags and getting settled, while others chose to lie down on their beds, resting after the journey. Maria, exhausted, leaped onto the bed and exclaimed to Allison, "God, I'm so fucking tired." She let out a weary groan, the fatigue evident in her expression. Allison, sensing Maria's exhaustion, gently reminded her. "You really should unpack your bags first and get ready for lunch. We can't keep lazing around all day, you know."
The room was shared by four students: Maria, Allison, Kayla, and another girl named Mia. Each of them had their own area to store their belongings and make themselves comfortable during their stay in the cabin. In the room downstairs, Marcus, Noah, Ben, and Thompson stood there awkwardly, barely speaking to each other yet. The silence between them was evident as they remained standing with some tension in the air. Ben, probably trying to ease the tension, awkwardly offered, So, uh...anyone want some gum?" he asked, holding out a pack of gum. The silence in the room was still palpable as the other boys didn't immediately respond. Thompson replied awkwardly, "Yeah, sure, I'll take some. Thanks." Marcus followed suit, his manner just as awkward as he took a gum and mumbled, "Thanks." The atmosphere in the room remained heavy with tension. Ben turned to Noah and asked curiously, "And what about you? You want some gum?"Noah remained silent for a moment before replying awkwardly, "Yeah, yeah" He reached out and took a piece of gum. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence once again.
Thompson exclaimed in frustration, "Shit, no signal!" He checked his phone, likely annoyed by the lack of cell service or WiFi. Ben responded with surprise, "Really?" All four boys reached for their phones to check for themselves, hoping against hope for even a faint signal. Much to their disappointment and frustration, it appeared that there was absolutely no signal. They realized they wouldn't be able to make any phone calls or access the internet during their stay.
Thompson cursed under his breath, expressing his frustration. "We fuck up did we."Ben lamented, "If I knew this shit gonna happend, I would have brought my books and comics. This sucks."
Marcus chimed in, attempting to be helpful. "I have some books with me. If you want, I can lend you any of them."Thompson's relief was evident as he responded, "Oh, really? You're a lifesaver."
The teacher suddenly appeared at the doorway and spoke up, announcing, "Alright, that's enough chatting. It's lunchtime, everyone."
The students paused their conversation and prepared to make their way to the designated spot for lunch. Following the teacher's instruction, they headed towards the dining area.
The students found themselves in the designated dining area, sitting at their respective tables. The air was filled with the sounds of shuffling chairs and the clatter of utensils as they settled down and began eating their lunch. The students gathered around the tables in the dining area, enjoying their lunches. Some were munching on sandwiches, while others had salads or packed meals in bento boxes. The room filled with the sound of cutlery and chatter as they talked and ate. Ben looked at Marcus's meal with surprise and commented, "Wow, you got a sausage. Can I have some?" Marcus nodded and responded, "Sure, go ahead." He shared a bit of his sausage with Ben. Thompson observed Marcus's sausage and asked curiously, "You like sausages?" Ben chimed in with enthusiasm, "Hell yeah, I love sausages!"Thompson jokingly offered, "You want to eat my sausage, Benny boy?" His comment was an lighthearted attempt to joke around with Ben. Ben, jokingly and slightly annoyed, responded, "Hell nah, man, that's gay." His retort was meant to shut down Thompson's jest.
The atmosphere in the room had noticeably shifted. Previously, the boys had been awkwardly standing around and barely speaking to each other, but now they had relaxed a bit and were casually joking with one another.
After finishing their lunch, the students rinsed and packed their bentoboxes. Some made their way back to their room to rest, while others lingered near the cabin, engaging in casual conversations or exploring the surroundings. The students found themselves devoid of internet access, transported back in time to a simpler era. With no Instagram or Snapchat to keep them glued to their screens, they had to find ways to entertain themselves without the constant distraction of social media. Some were trying their hand at playing old-school games like tag and hide-and-seek, while others engaged in more creative endeavors like crafting stuff out of sticks and mud. It was a return to the good old days of boredom and imagination. Despite being 17 years old, these students were reduced to looking like kids due to their internet deprivation. Without the constant scrolling of social media feeds and the endless online gaming sessions, they were forced to actually interact with each other and the world around them. It wasn't long before they were found playing tag and building forts out of sticks and leaves, completely immersed in throwback childhood activities.
Ben enthusiastically approached Thompson, Noah, and Marcus, yelling excitedly, "Guys, guys! I found a lake nearby!" He was eager to share his discovery with them, his words filled with anticipation. They followed Ben's lead and headed towards the lake. Once they arrived, they noticed that the lake wasn't particularly big, but it was surrounded by a beautiful natural setting, with trees and vegetation creating a picturesque scene.
Thompson, without a moment's hesitation, sprinted toward the lake and without warning, yelled, "Cannon ball!" before propelling himself into the water with a large splash, sending a wave of water outwards.
Without missing a beat, Ben joined in Thompson's cannonball action and leaped into the water with a gleeful splash. Marcus, on the other hand, stood on the edge of the lake, hesitant to take the plunge. He was visibly nervous about jumping into the water, his fear slightly showing on his face. Ben, sensing Marcus's hesitation, turned to him and playfully urged, "Come on, man! Don't be a scaredy cat. Just jump in!"Marcus heard Ben's words and felt a mixture of excitement and fear. He was tempted to jump in, but the thought of the cold water and the uncertainty held him back. Ben and Thompson, determined to encourage Marcus, began chanting together, "Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!" Their voices echoed excitement and a hint of playful pressure, urging him to overcome his hesitation. Just as Marcus turned to walk away, Noah, seizing the opportunity, gave Marcus a gentle yet unexpected push. Caught off guard, Marcus found himself stumbling and falling backwards into the water with a splash. Following closely, Noah also leaped in, joining the others in the refreshing lake. Ben couldn't help but express his excitement and shouted, "Fuck yeah, Noah!" He was impressed by Noah's bold move in pushing Marcus into the water and then joining him in the fun. The lake was conveniently located quite close to the cabin, making it an easy and quick walk for the students. As more students discovered the lake and made their way there, it began to fill up with young people enjoying a dip in the water and having fun together. The students' enthusiasm knew no bounds. They were not content with simply jumping into the lake from the shore. Some, displaying their acrobatic skills, leaped off trees, while others chose the classic route of a cannonball. The splashes and laughter echoed throughout the area, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere.
One of the younger teachers asked the older teacher, who was in his 40s, "Should we stop them?" The older teacher, seeing the students' exuberance, chuckled and replied, "Nah, let them have their fun. They're just enjoying the lake and creating some memories."The older teacher replied with a grin and, to the younger teacher's surprise, exclaimed, "You know what?" before sprinting towards the lake. With a playful yell of "Cannon ball!", he hurled himself into the water with an impressive splash, making it seem like he was suddenly young again.
Maria strolled up to Noah, who was taking a break under a nearby tree after a refreshing swim in the lake. With a playful smirk, she teased, "Hey, fish eyes. Having fun in the lake?"
Noah responded casually, with his usual lack of expression and flavor in his tone, "Yeah. You?" It was clear that he wasn't one to show much emotion or interest in conversation, his demeanor remaining calm and stoic.
Maria responded, expressing her frustration with Noah's aloof response. "What kind of reply is that? Do you really hate talking to me that much?" Her voice carried a hint of annoyance, indicating that she wished for a more engaging conversation.
Noah denied Maria's accusation, but his response was brief and lacked conviction. "No, I'm not," he answered, offering no further explanation or elaboration. As Maria took a seat next to Noah, she noticed that he had his AirPods in, as per usual. This was something she had observed countless times before. Maria, curious, decided to ask Noah a question that had been on her mind for some time. "Hey, why do you always have your AirPods in?" She tilted her head slightly, awaiting his response.
Noah's response, as always, was blunt and lacking depth. "I don't know. I just feel like it." He didn't expand on the reason for his constant AirPods usage, leaving his answer brief and somewhat vague. Maria couldn't help but let out a small sigh, feeling slightly exasperated by Noah's typical one-word responses. She knew that engaging in meaningful conversation with him was an almost impossible task.
Noah suddenly extended his arm towards Maria, handing over one of his AirPods. His expression remained emotionless, his eyes devoid of any excitement. He spoke in a monotone voice, "Want to listen?"
A soft blush appeared on Maria's cheeks as Noah offered her the airpod. She accepted it, feeling a mix of surprise and anticipation. She placed the airpod in her ear, preparing to hear whatever Noah was listening to. Maria listened to the music through the AirPod, hearing the words "Easy for ENCE, ENCE, ENCE Dens putted upperbelt Putted upperbelt" blasting in her ear. It was obvious that Noah had a distinct taste in music, as evidenced by the unique and somewhat strange lyrics.
Maria was surprised by the choice of music, expecting Noah to listen to rap or any popular trends. However, she quickly reminded herself that it was Noah, and he had a penchant for unexpected choices.
Just as Maria and Noah were sitting together, listening to music, Ben approached them with a smirk on his face. With a mischievous tone, he quipped, "What are you two love birds doing?"
Maria blushed at Ben's unexpected comment and managed to stammer out a single word, "What?" Her cheeks reddened further as she tried to hide her embarrassment from Ben's teasing question.
Noah, as per usual, betrayed no signs of emotion upon hearing Ben's comment. His face remained expressionless, his eyes fixed in their usual stoic gaze. He seemed completely indifferent to Ben's teasing remarks.
Ben glanced at Noah, then turned back to Maria. With a hint of playfulness in his tone, he told her, "Don't you mind if I borrow your boyfriend for a minute?" His words held a hint of jealousy or mock possession, as if he wanted to tease Maria further about her closeness to Noah.
Ben gestured for Noah to follow him and said, "Check this out, man. Someone lost their short in the lake." There was a hint of excitement in Ben's voice, signaling that he had discovered something interesting. Noah, showing no obvious interest, trailed behind Ben, intrigued by what he wanted to show him. Noah, maintaining his usual stoic expression, obediently allowed himself to be pulled along by Ben. His emotions remained hidden behind a mask of indifference as he followed his friend's lead, curious about what he had to show him.
As Ben tugged Noah away, Maria was left all alone, her face now burning red with a mix of embarrassment and unresolved feelings. She watched them walk away, her mind still grappling with the awkward situation that had just unfolded.
Allison approached Maria, armed with a soda. She noticed her flushed cheeks and asked in concern, "What's wrong? Your face is all red. Are you feeling unwell?"
Maria, blushing intensely, tried to brush off Alison's question. She replied, her voice a little more firm than usual, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She took a long sip of the soda, hoping to hide her embarrassment behind the fizzy drink. Though she wanted to appear aloof, Maria couldn't deny the fluttering feelings inside her.
As she finished sipping her soda, a sudden realization hit her. In the whirlwind of emotions and the distraction of Ben's interruption, Maria had forgotten to return Noah's AirPod. Panic set in as she clutched the tiny device in her hand.
Maria turned her gaze towards Noah and Ben, who were still walking together. She observed Noah's usual expressionless face, and the other boy with them, and cursed her own forgetfulness.
Maria's eyes widened as a realization dawned upon her. She saw now that Noah wasn't simply a quiet kid or an anti-social kid; rather, he was someone who appeared cold and detached primarily because he didn't know how to express his emotions openly.
Maria, feeling conscious about returning the AirPod immediately, made a decision. She put one of the earbuds in her pocket, planning to give it back to Noah discreetly later, when the moment felt right.
As the students gradually finished their refreshing swim in the lake, they began making their way back to the cabins to shower. Some were laughing and chatting, while others were quietly wiping away water from their bodies. The girls quickly made their way to the shower area first, as the arrangement dictated by the teachers' timetable. They hurried along, excited to freshen up and relax after the enjoyable time spent swimming in the lake. As the boys entered the shower area, Ben couldn't help but comment on Noah's physique.
"Damn, Noah, you've got a nice body," Ben exclaimed, clearly impressed by his friend's muscular build.
Thompson chuckled in agreement with Ben's comment but jokingly teased him, saying, "Man, you sound hella gay." He laughed as he spoke, aiming to tease Ben with a lighthearted remark.
Ben retorted, "Shut up," before responding to Thompson's lack of muscular physique.
"You don't have that much muscle, but you're big," he said to Thompson, indicating that while Thompson may not have as much muscle tone, he certainly had an impressive build in terms of size.
Thompson chuckled and responded with a bewildered tone, "Wow, wow, alright, dude, what the flip? What do you mean 'what big'?"
He feigned offense, pretending to be taken aback at Ben's comment about his size.
Ben laughed louder at Thompson's reaction, enjoying the banter.
"I meant your body, you dirty little bastard," he clarified, unable to hold back his amusement at the playful interaction.
Ben shifted his attention to Marcus and confronted him with a curious look.
"Hey, Marcus, what are you hiding, man? Come on, don't be shy. We're men here," Ben urged, trying to coax him into revealing whatever he was concealing.
Ben, noticing Marcus's appearance, expressed concern.
"Damn, man, you need to work out. You look like you've survived the great depression or something," he said, trying to encourage Marcus to take care of himself better, both physically and mentally.
The four bullies, approached Marcus, their faces filled with mischief and malice.
"Well, well, well, look like our little nerd found a new boyfriend," Anthony sneered, the others snickering behind him.
Before the bullies could respond, Ben stepped forward and spoke up, exuding a confident aura.
"What's wrong? You want some trouble?" he asked, standing protectively beside Marcus.
Anthony, the lead bully, smirked and mocked Ben with a sarcastic tone.
"Oooh, scary," he sneered, clearly unimpressed by Ben's size. "He's not that big, fellas."
Thompson, his anger rising, squared off against the bullies.
"Get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass, man," he threatened, ready to defend himself and Marcus if needed.
Anthony, who had been eyeing the situation with a calculating gaze, suddenly noticed the presence of two of the biggest guys in the class - Noah and Thompson. His confidence wavered slightly as he realized the odds were not as much in his favor as he had initially thought.
Despite feeling a flicker of uncertainty, Anthony tried to maintain his composure. He plastered a confident smirk on his face and attempted to bluff his way through the situation.
"Alright, alright," he said coolly, trying to mask his growing unease. "Chill out, we were just messing around, no need to get violent."
A teacher suddenly appeared on the scene, drawn by the commotion.
"What's going on here?" the teacher asked, looking at the group of boys with a mix of concern and authority.
Anthony and his group of bullies quickly dropped the act, realizing that the teacher's presence had ruined their chance at further trouble.
"Nothing," Anthony replied feebly, knowing that the teacher was now watching them. The group hurried past the teacher and exited the shower area.
After finishing their individual showers, the students quickly freshened up and gathered around the barbecue area, eagerly anticipating the delicious food that was about to be cooked. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they waited for the food to be ready.
As the barbecue continued, the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a slightly darker hue upon the surroundings. However, the atmosphere remained lively and jovial, as students continued to enjoy each other's company.
One of the male teachers spoke up, addressing the students.
"Alright, we're going to have a campfire tonight, so I need five volunteers to go pick up some wood from the warehouse." He looked around the group, hoping to find volunteers willing to go and gather the necessary firewood.
After no one volunteered, the teacher repeated his request more firmly.
"No one? Come on, I need five volunteers to help gather wood for the campfire." He looked around the group again, hoping someone would step up to assist. The teacher nodded in approval as someone finally volunteered.
"I will also come with you. I only need five," the teacher replied, agreeing to help with the wood collection. The teacher quickly pointed at five random boys, including Noah.
"You, you, you, you, and you," the teacher said, gesturing to each boy. "Let's go. We need to gather wood for the campfire."
The teacher urged the group of boys to hurry.
"Come on, Harry up," he said, ushering them along as they prepared to head to the warehouse to collect wood for the campfire.
group of five boys and teacher walked together to a nearby warehouse, the sound of their footsteps thudding softly against the ground. The dim light from the setting sun provided just enough to see their way to the warehouse.
The teacher groaned as he wrestled with the old warehouse door, struggling to open it after prolonged disuse. As he managed to swing the door open, the boys coughed and choked slightly as the musty air from inside the warehouse hit them.
The group rummaged through the old warehouse, searching for firewood, but to their disappointment, the place was nearly empty. There were only a few old crates and scattered broken planks, but no proper firewood for the campfire. The teacher spotted an old axe lying near them and picked it up.
"Alright, let's go into the nearby woods and find some sticks or wood to use for the campfire," he instructed the boys, as he led the way towards the treeline.
The boys followed the teacher, their disappointment evident on their faces as they entered the woods. They had hoped to find firewood quickly and return to the festivities, but now they had no choice but to venture deeper into the woods in search of suitable materials.
As they searched the woods, the boys began collecting any sticks and branches that looked suitable to use as firewood. They collected piles of dry branches, twigs, and small logs, their arms quickly becoming full with the gathering.
One of the boys held up a long, slender stick and said to Noah, who was nearby, "Hey, check this out. This thing looks like a sword, don't you think?" He brandished the stick, mimicking a sword swing, with a look of excitement on his face.
After the boys had gathered a decent supply of sticks and logs, the teacher announced that they had collected enough firewood for the campfire. He called out to the boys, "Alright, that's enough. Let's head back."
The teacher, while checking to ensure all the boys were present, noticed that one of them was missing.
"Ethan!" he shouted out, his voice echoing through the trees. The teacher grew impatient and yelled out, "Ethan, stop fucking around and let's go! Hurry up!" The teacher walked slowly towards the tree line, hoping to locate the missing boy.
As they squinted into the tree line, the boys spotted Ethan running towards them. The dim light from the sunset cast a meager glow, and under it, Ethan appeared panicked and out of breath.
Before Ethan could reach the group, a figure suddenly emerged from the left and tackled him to the ground. The boys were taken aback by the sudden appearance and the unexpected attack on their friend.
As the boys rushed towards Ethan, they suddenly heard screams and commotion in the dark. Before they could reach their friend, two of the boys were tackled and knocked down by an unknown figure. It seemed as if a human-like entity was hidden in the shadows, attacking them.
The two boys and teacher watched in shock as the human-like figures eat the two boys who were knocked down. They stood there frozen, horrified by the unexpected situation.
"What the fuck," one of the boys muttered, his voice trembling with fear. The teacher's face paled as he took in the terrifying sight in front of them.
The human-like figures suddenly stopped eating the boys and lifted their heads, revealing faces that resembled humans. However, as they roared, it became clear that they were not human. Their roars echoed through the woods, filling the air with a chilling, almost primal sound.
"Oh shit, is a fucking zombie," one of the boy run back to the cabin but before he could make it very far, the boy was tackled by four more figures emerging from the darkness. They seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows, launching themselves at the fleeing boy and knocking him to the ground.
The teacher, trying to save the boy, swung his old axe at one of the figures and cried out, "Run Noah, fucking run!" He could see that Noah was frozen in place, likely overcome with fear.
The axe connected with the figure, but surprisingly, it showed no signs of pain or injury. The impact seemed to have little effect, as the figure showed no reaction to the strike.
Noah and the teacher quickly snapped out of their daze and began running as fast as they could, fleeing from the mysterious figures. Their footsteps thumped against the ground as they darted through the woods, adrenaline pumping through their veins.
As Noah and the teacher ran for their lives, Noah was suddenly tackled by one of the figures. He stumbled and fell to the ground, his body hitting the forest floor with a thud.
The teacher turned to see Noah fall victim to one of the figures and attempted to help him. But just as he tried to intervene, he was tackled from behind. The teacher stumbled forward, falling to the ground as another figure pounced on him, pinning him down.
Noah, who had been knocked to the ground moments ago, quickly regained his footing and looked around to see the teacher struggling against the figure. The adrenaline fueled his actions as he tried to think of a way to help.
As Noah prepared to run to the teacher's aid, he was abruptly blocked by three more figures. They materialized from the shadows, circling him and cutting off his path to the struggling teacher.
In the dim light of the moon, Noah could clearly see the figures up close. They had a humanoid appearance, dressed in clothing. Their eyes, however, were unmistakeably reminiscent of a predator's gaze, adding to the overall ominous atmosphere.
The teacher managed to throw a punch at the figure before quickly standing up and shouting at Noah. "Run! Fucking run!" he yelled, desperation in his voice as he urged Noah to get away from the danger.
The teacher, after advising Noah to run, also began running in the direction of the cabin. However, Noah's path was cut off by the figures, so he was forced to turn around and sprint back into the woods, searching for a different escape route.
Noah ran as fast as he could, but as he glanced behind him, he saw that another three figures had joined the chase. This time, the group numbered six, making his situation even more dire. Noah's heart pounded in his chest as he realized he was increasingly surrounded by the mysterious figures.
As he ran at top speed, desperate to find a way out, Noah suddenly stumbled and tripped over an unseen tree root. He fell, landing hard on the ground with a thud, groaning in pain as he felt his leg hit the trunk of the tree.
Breathing heavily, the teacher made his way back to the cabin after the encounter. He clutched his right hand, which was badly injured, and leaned against the cabin as if trying to catch his breath from the previous ordeal.
The injured teacher hurriedly rushed to the cabin where the other three teachers were still present. He didn't even pause to catch his breath before urgently explaining what had happened.
"Guys, you won't believe what's happening out there!" he gasped, his voice filled with a mix of panic and urgency.
The injured teacher quickly related the details of what he had witnessed, recounting the terrifying encounter with the mysterious figures. The other teachers listened intently, their faces showing a mix of surprise and fear as they digested the information.
The teachers, knowing they needed to keep everyone as calm as possible, decided to keep the truth from the students for now. They didn't want to cause a panic among the group, so they opted to keep the details about the encounter to themselves for the time being.
The teachers, realizing the gravity of the situation, decided on a course of action. They agreed to take the students to safety and alert the police about what had occurred. The plan was to move the students to a secure location and then return to deal with the bizarre situation themselves.
The teachers approached the bus driver and his coworker who were in the process of fixing the bus. Their expressions were serious, and their voices were low as they spoke to the bus personnel.
The teachers relayed the details of their harrowing experience to the bus driver and his coworker. The bus driver and his coworker were visibly surprised by the news, eyes wide with shock. As the teachers finished their explanation, the bus driver spoke up, "We haven't quite finished fixing the bus yet."
Disappointed that the bus wasn't ready yet, the teachers had to come up with a new plan. They settled on using their own mini-car to journey to the police station, ensuring the safety of the students by keeping them in the cabins.
Two teachers, along with the bus driver's coworker who would serve as the driver, prepared to embark on the trip to the police station. The injured teacher, recognizing that his injury wasn't severe enough to prevent him from staying, decided to remain behind, choosing to look after the students while the others sought help.
The car roared to life and peeled out of the campgrounds at lightning speed, kicking up a cloud of dust behind it. The teachers sitting inside could feel the adrenaline pumping as they left the scene of the strange encounter.
Inside the cabin, the bus driver and the other two teachers started to secure the students. They instructed them to stay put and be quiet, while the teachers gathered whatever tools they could find, arming themselves with whatever made suitable makeshift weapons.
In an attempt to prevent the students from panicking, the teachers lied to the students, explaining that they had spotted a bear on the loose nearby. They wanted to keep the kids calm and avoid causing an unnecessary disturbance.
As the teachers went through a headcount, they breathed a collective sigh of relief upon realizing that all the students were present. The only ones missing were the four boys and Noah, who were still in the woods.
The teachers inside the car were speeding as fast as they could towards the police station. Fear and adrenaline coursed through their veins as they made their way through the dark roads, desperate to reach the station and seek help.
After a nerve-wracking 10 minutes, the car emerged from the woods and approached a large bridge they had crossed on their way to the cabins. The headlights illuminated the bridge as the vehicle sped across it. As the car finished crossing the large bridge, the teachers noticed four police cars parked on the other side. Their hearts raced with a mixture of relief and hope. Help was here. The car came to a quick stop near the four police cruisers. The teachers wasted no time exiting the vehicle and running towards the officers. It was clear that the urgency in their actions reflected the seriousness of the situation.
The Sheriff from the gas station recognized them with a warm smile, his accent thick with a charming folksiness. "Howdy der feller! Why on earth ya'll be lookin' so panicked, like a cat at a dog convention?
The teacher, still catching his breath, began to relay the details of their encounter to the Sheriff. His voice trembled slightly with a hint of desperation as he explained the mysterious figures in the woods, their human-like appearance, and the way they attacked some of the students. The air was heavy with anticipation as the Sheriff listened intently.
The Sheriff let out a hearty chuckle and responded in his thick cowboy drawl, "Zombies like in them movies, you say? I reckon y'all must be pullin' my leg, ain't ya!" He couldn't help but find some humor in the situation, despite the dire circumstances. The teacher's voice grew more stern and forceful as he snapped back at the Sheriff, who was still chuckling at the story. "Listen, pal, I'm not joking around! I'm telling you, these...things are in those damn woods!" The teacher's expression was serious and his voice laced with frustration at the Sheriff's lighthearted reaction.
The Sheriff held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, his voice still maintaining a hint of humor. "All right, all right, pardner, I believe you. Imma go use my radio and call the station now, 'kay? I'll take care of it. You folks just sit tight and don't go gettin' your spurs all twisted."
The Sheriff ambled over to one of the police cars and climbed into the driver's seat. He grabbed the radio and made the call to the station, As the Sheriff conversed with the other side on the radio, his smile widened upon hearing their response. He took a moment to look at the teacher who was waiting nearby, their concern etched on their face. The Sheriff's eyes gleamed with a hint of amusement as he continued the conversation.
Inside the cabin, the two teachers and the bus driver were working urgently to secure the entrances. They checked each door and window, making sure they were tightly shut and barricaded to ensure no one, or rather, no thing, could enter.
The students, blissfully unaware of the ominous situation unfolding outside, remained calm and oblivious to the danger that was closing in on them. They had no idea that the 'bear' the teachers had mentioned was only a fabrication to keep them from panicking. Instead, they naively believed that the cabin was a perfectly safe sanctuary, impenetrable to any threat lurking in the woods.
The teacher who had suffered an injury during the encounter with the mystery figures received treatment from one of the other teachers. His wound was carefully bandaged and treated to the best of their ability, given the limited medical supplies available in the cabin.
The injured teacher winced in pain as the other teacher applied the bandage to his wound. "Goddamn, that hurts," he groaned, his voice laced with discomfort. The other teacher looked at the wound and exclaimed, "Did those mother fucker really just bite you did they."
The teacher, wincing in pain, confirmed the other teacher's suspicions. "No shit, they did," he replied, gesturing towards his wounded arm. The bandaged area was still tender, the bite mark clearly visible underneath.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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