Crowning your selfish desires

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Standing in the faceless crowd shouting for change.

They see ants climbing up their throne and crushing each one the closer they get.

You can't touch their crown, even if they wear it as jewlery.

No one is allowed to strip them of their title even if they'll take away everything from the people who put them there.

The people who held the cornation are the ones to become the enemy.

Their loyally devoted followers turn against them as they break all their promises.

Soon, their only power is the ashes gently falling down like a snowy day during a harsh winter season, the fire burning all around them and the smog surrounding them standing amidst the charred rubble.

Their kingdom fallen to the ground. The piece that marked them in history is the crown melted into the skeletal remains that once harnessed the power to rule until their greed consumed them.

They misjudged their admiration. If only they'd loved a little harder, they would have helped them get so much higher.

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Inspired by politics and having great power. When you become so powerful and hungry for more, you  betray those who gave you said power. You promised them A and gave them Z. When responsibility is thrown out the window because the wrong one got power. Then they lose it all because they misjudged how far they could get and how much they ruled in reality.

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