Part 1

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Just Friends

For Erin!




Contrary to popular belief, you and Dean Winchester were not lovers. Obviously everyone- which evidently consisted of Bobby, Sam, and Castiel- assumed that you were together. Either that, or your relationship would inevitably be taken from hunting partners to romantic interests. Which was a completely ridiculous thought, and you often told Sam so. It wasn't like the idea of you two together repulsed you. You weren't stupid, and even if you were, it was hard to miss Dean's good looks. Yes, he was attractive. You cherished your friendship more, however, if such a thing ever lingered between the two of you. More than often, the older Winchester brother took it as a habit to do everything in his power to drive you bonkers.

He would tease you relentlessly, pointing out your shortness and making snarky remarks every time you opened your mouth. He would touch your neck (which you loathed almost more than anything) anytime you let your guard down around him. Sam was always around to play 'mom' whenever this happened, treating the two of you like squabbling children.

You let out a sigh as you got out of the Impala, ignoring Sam's pointed look as you slammed the door with more force than necessary. Just at this moment, here Dean Winchester was, chewing you out about your failure on the last hunting trip. They entrusted you and Sam with the food runs, considering Castiel was almost utterly clueless with the concept of eating, and Dean would grab every non-healthy item in sight.

"He doesn't mean it, [Name]," Sam consoled as you walked into the market together. "He's just worried."

You shot an incredulous look at your tall (dare you say best) friend. "Worried? Since when?"

"You did mess up that routine vampire hunt," Sam muttered, holding up his hands in defense as you shot him an offended glare. You had heard this lecture from all three of them too many times. "Dean just doesn't want your next mistake end up to be fatal."

You grabbed bread and peanut butter off the shelves, avoiding Sam's concerned glance as you both rounded the corner. You played with the plastic of the bag, shame covering your features. You hadn't meant to screw up. The three of you had gone in there to scope out the vampire's nest. It had been the light of dawn, when they were all slumped in their beds and sleeping soundly. You had ended up (oh-so-gracefully) tripping over a loose floorboard, waking all of them in the process. It had been a terrifying experience, despite having fought worse in the past. This experience had been so tantalizing because you hadn't expected it to happen, and this time, it would've been your fault if lives had been lost. You briefly grazed the faded cuts on your face with your hand.

You could remember running, your sneakers pounding against the wood as all the others seemingly stirred to life. You remembered Sam and Dean screaming your name incessantly because you had insisted on checking the other side of the house alone minutes prior. Not exactly your smartest moment. You remembered one of the females sliding her fingernails across your cheek, hissing and snarling as her face arched down to rip into your neck. Dean's blade had slit cleanly through her neck with perfect timing, yelling at you and demanding to know what happened. Ever since then, he had been giving you what Sam referred to as 'tough love.'

"I know," you exclaimed. "But I won't make the same mistake again. When is he going to stop punishing me for it?"

Sam's footing halted, and you turned back at him confusion. The words he spoke were sincere, and his stern expression ever lifted from his face. His unique hazel eyes burned into yours softly and firmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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