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Bumblebees pov:

It was dark outside and cold. I walked for sometime before I transformed so I wouldn't wake the others. My wound was throbbing but I ignored it. When I thought I was far enough away I transformed and started driving back to the town. It wasn't far away I could make it there in 30 minutes. I was finally out of that camp it made me sick just to think about the smell anymore. I drove over the battle strewn field.

Ratchets pov:

I walked out of the med tent finally able to smell somewhat fresh air. The night was cold and bitter at lest it would help with the smell. I turned to walk to the sleeping hall to see if anyone needed anything. Highfire walked out and up to me. "He made a break for it again" I had recruited him to tell me if he ever did. He was also worried about B-127. I sighed B-127 didn't know ..... I hadn't told him that the town he was so desperately trying to get back to was completely leveled after a missile strike.

 I commed two of the guards on duty and informed them about the situation. They would go after him if he didn't get serious medical treatment then he would just continue to get worse. He never told anyone about what happened before we found him knocked out on the battle field but I knew something was wrong something that wouldn't be fixed if he kept quiet. I waved my hand for highfire to leave. He shrugged and walked back into the sleeping hall. B-127 might be a kid but he's strong im still worried about him though. I walked into the sleeping hall and heard the engine noise of one flyer and one car. Good B-127 was good at out maneuvering if they were ether both flyers or both ground vehicles. I continue to walk through the sleeping hall seeing if anyone needed help.

Bumblebees pov:

After about 25 minutes I arrived at the edge of the cliff overlooking the town. I couldn't see the town yet but transformed and started walking to the edge. The wind was blowing cold off the front and fog rolled close to the ground. It gave the night a chill to it but I'm sure that when I see the town it will go away. I walked up to the edge of the cliff the horror struck me like a grenade. The town was gone the houses lay in shambles. The giant hole in the center and everything being blown away by it. A missile strike that whipped out the only thing I had left. I fall to my knees clutching the ground. "no no NO" I say colent starts to leak from my optics. I can feel my spark tightening with grief.

 I squint trying to see if anything survived all I saw were the corps of the town people littering the ground. the colent is streaming down my face and I remember every thing the war took from me. how I watched the decepticons kill my family in front of me how I watched as Megatron ripped the spark from my best friend for simply being a autobot. how I missed stormchaser so much and now destroying the only thing in this world that could possibly bring things back to normal. I stand up overlooking my broken town wiping the tears from my optics though they are still blurry. I want to go no I need to get out of here away from all the grief of the war. I needed it to stop. Stop hurting stop being true i needed it all to just stop. their is a hum of a flyers engine in the dictense coming towards me.

I activate my gun and mask and aim at the cargo plain flying to me. the night is dark and I cant see clearly through the thick cloud coverage. a bot suddenly jumps at me pushing my gun away and pining me the the ground. I squirm against the bot a mech trying to get free. its no use he is twice my size. "B-127 stand down its us the autobots" I stop trashing and get a clear look at the mech. he is reddish orange paint with dark red running down his front. he gets up and helped me up. he looks over to the decimated town I can see the sorrow in his optics. "did some one you know live their" did some one I know yeah my enter life lived their but I don't say it out loud and instead just nod.

 "B-127 you know we have to take you back please don't make this hard" I step back a few times getting some distance between us so I can run if needed. "why why do I have to go back if I don't want to just leave me here" I say my servos balling up into fist and backing farther away. "I know what your going trough I lost a friend to the war" he says putting his hands he obviously noticed my distress. "how could you possibly know" I say and start backing um more. he takes a step forward. "don't you dare run. do not run.stand down B-127" I shake me helm to clear my thoughts. "I'm sorry I cant do that" I say and begin running he was quickly in pursuit "of course he ren" I hear him say behind me. I could out run him he was heavy equipment and I was a sports car the cargo plain is going to be the problem.

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