Sleepless Angels

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"Pit! Pit wake up!!" Angry yell echoed in the room. It was Dark Pit.

Pit's cobalt eyes fluttered open. He'd woken in a cold sweat and his heart was beating out of control. His pupils flicked around the room in apparent panic, "P-Pittoo?! Pittoo where are you! Please be okay!" The white angel outwardly yelped, beginning to flip around in his bed, only to be held down by his dark twin.

Dark Pit pinned the other down and frowned, "Pit what the heck! Jeez, you were screaming in your sleep. Are you stupid—Ah?" He was cut off by a tight hug from Pit. The dark angel blinked in surprise. He felt the sensation of tears touching his shoulder. The dark angel's wings flapped a bit before he asked, "Pit? What's gotten into you?" He inquired.

Pit was still hugging his darker counterpart tightly as he shakily replied, "I-I.. I had a n-nightmare!.. And- and you had gone missing and s-so I went searching for you..." He began, his pure white wings fluttering as he spoke. "And when I found you, you were being h-held captive by Hades and you were.. you were calling for me as if I-I was your last hope. I-I tried to run to you but I.. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't h-help you!.." The light angel stammered in between his sobs and hiccups. His words were muffled because his face was buried in Dark Pit's shoulder, "When I g-got there, Hades told me t-that I wasn't mu-much of a hero if I couldn't even s-save you!.. A-and then he laughed and lit you on fi-fire and all I could hear was you screaming my name!.. I-I even smelled burning feathers!.. It-It was awful! and I.. and I-" The angel's words were cut off by his sobs and he shook uncontrollably.

Listening to Pit, Dark Pit understood why his twin had been screaming now. Actually, the tale of Pit's dream was enough to disturb the dark angel as well. His lighter counterpart had dreamed... of his murder? He shivered at the thought. Without realizing it, Dark Pit had wrapped his arms around Pit as well. Unconsciously, he wished to comfort the other, "That.. That wouldn't ever happen so don't be so scared," He stated, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. As if he'd let Pit know just how much he had been worried for the other. Then again, waking up to someone's basic source of life screaming in terror would be enough to make anybody worried. Right?

"But-But what if-"The scared angel began before being interrupted by Dark Pit.

"As if I'd leave you alone like that, Pit! I don't have time to be in danger because I need to take care of you!" Dark Pit declared, his vocal volume increasing a little. Then he fixed his crimson eyes to looking into Pit's cobalt ones. To heck with it. Pit was a mess, if he didn't have some sort of comfort, he'd have some sort of panic attack, and that wasn't good for either of them, "Gods, Pit, there's no need to cry." The dark angel said, bringing one of his hands up to wipe some tears from the other's cheeks.

A small gasp emanated from Pit. The words seemed to surprise him a bit. And upon feeling Dark Pit's warm hand touching his cheek, his eyes widened, "P-Pittoo..!" He breathed out gently before his head leaned into the other's hand, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks. A soft murmur escaped his lips, "I-Im sorry. I bet I woke you up huh?" He said, beginning to control his voice. The brunette felt guilty. Waking the other up because of a dumb nightmare the night before they had to train the centurions that week was unfair. Because of that, Pit felt guilty. His wings were still fluttering a bit, but at this point, no more crying occurred.

That's when the dark angel grinned, "Why are you apologizing, idiot?" He asked, softly chuckling. His ebony wings wrapped around the light angel's body and he just muttered, "It's okay, dummy. Just no more crying, alright?" He told the other. He called Pit names like 'dummy' or 'idiot,' yet oddly enough, the names sounded oddly affectionate, not insulting in one way.

Of course Pit noticed that as well. For the first time that night, a small smile gently touched the angel's lips. It felt better to be engulfed in those dark wings of his twin's, "I promise," Said Pit before pressing his face back into Dark Pit's shoulder, although this time it was out of gratitude. He was a little embarrassed to thank the other aloud, so he was going to let his actions speak for him. Then Pit made a request, "Hey, umm... Pittoo? Is it okay if I sleep next to you tonight? I-I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep on my own."

Dark Pit chose to ignore the feeling of heat rising to his cheeks at Pit's words. Running off of complete instinct, the dark angel placed a small kiss on top of the other's head before responding, "Sure."

What was that warm feeling on his head? Pit didn't know but he had a few guesses. He decided not to think much of it as his eyes closed and he hummed, "Thanks."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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