You Have The Key To My Heart

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This is my story, just something I had my mind on for a while.:)


Chapter One.

Life's complicated.

Sometimes, you just have to put on a brave face, smile, and mask the pain that's tearing you apart inside.

Take each day as it comes, and never, ever take anything for granted.


I tossed and turned in my bed, sleep seemed to evade me and I was only too aware that I would have to rise in a few hours to go to school.

In the grand scheme of things, school seemed trivial, almost unnecessary, but I needed the grades to escape. To get out of the town that I'd despised from the moment I'd moved here all those years ago, when my life was pain free and simple.

Those were the days.

I sighed, I was never going to get to sleep now. I had too much playing on my mind, too much bothering me for my mind to focus into sleep mode. I reached to the sideboard, grabbing my phone, checking the time as I did so.

I'd been up most of the night talking to him. We really understood each other, me and Riley, any problems we had, any rants that were boiling up inside of us were shared during our late night chats.

He's my lifeline, the one person I can talk to about anything.

I lay there in the dark, flicking aimlessly through our conversation we had last night, smiling occasionally when something funny caught my eye.

Even just thinking about him brought a smile to my face. Don't I just sound like your typical loved up teenager?

But I'm not. It's different. He's different.

I've been hurt once before. Teenage boys are all the same, they're only focused on themselves and their needs. But I've learnt. I've come out the other end, stronger than ever, even more determined to succeed in life and show him that I'm better off without him in my life.

I thought he was different, I thought I'd finally found a person who understood me, and would take me for who I was. Oh how wrong I was! I was just nothing to you, you used me, then laughed behind my back to your friends like the child you are. What happened to forever?

I did things with you that I'd never done before, when we were together it felt like we were invincible. It was just you and me against the world. Do you even remember me now? Or am I just a distant memory, fading into an abyss?

Thinking about you opens old wounds, wounds that will never ever heal. You've left a permanent scar on my life, and as much as I despise you, you'll always be there. Deep down... I still love you. It tore me apart the pain you put me through, I was in a dark place in my mind, haunted by things you'd said, thinking it was all my fault. Nobody should have to go through that, I gave you my heart and you smashed it into tiny pieces of nothingness without a care in the world.

As much as it pains me to say it... you still that have effect on me.

And I hate you for it.


Riley is the bravest, most thoughtful man I know, without a doubt.

He's always been the big brother I've never had, someone I've looked up to and admired since my childhood. We laugh and joke together, just like family, which we are I guess. We met at the ice cream parlour when I was four and he was ten, he protected me from the teasing the older boys were directing at me, and since then, well, we've been inseparable.

He joined the Royal Air Force when he left school at sixteen, and after completing basic training he got posted to Scotland. I was ten, and couldn't fully comprehend the fact that I couldn't see my 'big brother' whenever I wanted, I recall bursting into tears when he gave me one last hug. I can still recall it to this day, the pain and the confusion going through my younger-self's mind that day.

We became closer as I got older, Riley taking on the role of the 'protective father' through the years as my own had left when I was a few months old. He took me to birthday parties when I was little, played with me till my heart's content and never failed to make a giggle escape my mouth.


-Riley's POV-

''Rileeeeey!'' she laughed. ''Riley come play!'' She was scrambling up the climbing frame in the local park, he face red with the effort she was putting in trying to get to the top. I walked over to Callie, a smile upon my face.

'I'll race you to the top Callie!'' I said as I started to climb, making sure Callie was in front of me and within arm's reach. No matter what, I was keeping her safe. The sunlight reflected off the metal frame, and the wind caught Callie's hair in the afternoon breeze, blowing strands of blonde hair across her face. It really was a beautiful day.

She pulled herself on to the top, a triumphant smile across her face. I quickly climbed the last bit of the climbing frame, then sat down with my legs over the edge, mimicking Callie. She kicked her legs backwards and forwards in the sunlight, smiling as she did so.

That girl's going to be a heartbreaker when she's older.

*End of Flashback*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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