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"Grandma why do you like to knit so much?" I asked sitting on the floor watching her knit some piece of clothing.

" Because it helps pass the time, deary." She gave me a warm smile before continuing her knitting.

" Granny what are you making?" I asked with curiosity. From where I was sitting I couldn't tell if it was a sweater or shirt. For a nine year old I asked a lot of questions.

"It's a surprise." She glanced at me with a smile tugging at her smooth face.

" Okay." I crossed my arms in hopes that she would tell me what's she was making.

I always liked visiting Granny. She always offered a kind smile and open arms to me. She was my best friend. She always had juicy gossip to tell me each time entered her cosy home. Just before I left her house that day she handed me a red hood. I tried it on for size.

"Granny I think it's a little to big for me." I said looking at how the cloak sprawled out on the ground.

" Don't worry you'll grow into it. It will last you a long time."

" Why is it red?" I asked looking at how red and thick it was.

" Because I knew it would look good on you." She gave me an all knowing smile.

"Mmm?" I scrunched up my face in confusion.

" Hun I think you should get going before it gets dark." She pinched my cheeks lightly before sending me off.

"Thank you Granny for the gift." I gave her one last hug before I left.

" Your welcome and be carful in these woods." She said just before she closed the door.

Present time

Ever since she gave me the hood I have worn it almost every day and I still do. I've had it for almost six years and it's still as smooth and red as the day I got it.

Right now I am sleeping from a hard day of work. I often deliver goods from house to house. I'm kinda like the mailman more like jam man around here. I get a good pay from my delivery job and it helps keep food on the table. I have a lot to deliver tomorrow, but for now I'll just sleep my worries away.

The next day I go from house to house giving them there supply of bread, jams, butter, and etc. I help out at my mother's bakery, by being the delivery service. Just before I left home I put on my red hood, because it's the middle of winter and I never leave home with out my hood.

I stopped at the Carltons to give them their grape jams. As usual Mrs. Carlton opened the door with a kind smile on her face.

" Hello Mrs. Carlton I brought you some jam." I gave her smile.

"Hello Little Red. Thank you, I was just about to have some tea would you like some?" She wiped her hands on her apron giving me a welcoming smile.

" Yes, I would love to." I love her tea and our conversations. She, just like Granny, has the best gossip in town.

"Did you hear about Ms. Maxwell and Mr. Hilton moving in together? I heard that they were expecting a baby. "

"Scandalous." I said amused by her reaction to the piece of gossip she just told me. I am not really into the town gossip, but it's the funny reactions that makes me stay to listen.

"Absolutely scandalous, I didn't even see a ring on her finger." She flung her arms in an exasperated manner.

This really got her worked up. I almost laughed, but I kept it in. After our little conversation, I realized that she had a lot of dirt on people. I knew she would never black mail them, but the fact that she knew a lot of these juicy secrets scared me a bit.

I couldn't stay long because I had to make more deliveries. I ate a few finger sandwiches just before I made my way to other houses.

Mrs. Carlton was kind enough to give me 20 liras as a tip.

The kindness of this woman never ceases to amaze me.

I finished my deliveries and headed home. I was exhausted, because of all the houses I had to stop at. I may live in a small town, but the houses are spread apart. Well at least I get a good workout that's what my mom always tells me, but I rather be sitting on the fur rug reading books.

I finally head home and greet my father who was sweaty from cutting wood all day.

"Hey sweety how are you?" He asked while he used a towel to wipe his face.
"Good and you?" I heaved out exhaustedly.

" Okay, I could be better." He grinned.

After our short conversation we ate dinner. We had bread and ham. It was delicious. I halled myself to my room. I took a shower and put on my pajamas.

I needed a good night's rest because little did I know that it might be the last time I would be able to sleep peacefully for a long time.


I hoped you enjoyed it. This is and will be a little red riding hood story with a different plot and ending of its own. Sorry about any misspelled words I will edit soon. Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you for reading.

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