Chapter 44

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Nomandla Paris Mhlongo

Lifa: "Babe?" he called out, sitting on the couch holding the baby's bottle. I was still in the hospital, by the way, I hadn't been discharged yet.

Me: "Mmh?" I glance at him and continue eating.

Lifa: "Is your breastmilk supposed to be this thick?" I frown turning to him. He is holding the baby's bottle in the air while lightly shaking the bottle.

Me: "Yeah, it happens."

Lifa: "Kanti when is the nurse bringing him back?" I understood his excitement, I mean he last saw his son when he came in here late after I had just given birth.

Me: "Be patient nawe. Anyways have you thought of a name for him?"

Lifa: "Yeah. Mfanafuthi Bayanda Mhlongo." I smile nodding. I was just mostly happy that he was here, by my side this time. I'm mostly happy that he got to name our child since he couldn't name the twins.

Me: "I love them babe." he smiles and pecks my lips. The door opens and the nurse walks in with our son.

Nurse: "The little champ is doing pretty well so we are going to be taking him out of the incubator. He can now sleep with mommy." she says excitedly. She has been really supportive and gentle with us. My son hasn't been doing well. He had been on and off the machines for the past week hence we were still not discharged. Dr Ndamase had to put us in isolation because he was at high risk. I had to be in isolation because I was breastfeeding, he couldn't be switched to formula milk because he needs all the nutrients he can get from my milk.

Lifa: "Ouuhh!!!" he screams excitedly, startling my baby as he cries out loud. The nurse hands him to me after I sit up properly. I take out my boob and wipe it with a wet wipe then help my son latch on it carefully so he can feed properly.

Nurse: "I will come back later then." I smile at her.

Lifa: "Uhm nurse.."

Nurse: "Yes?"

Lifa: "Is this normal?" he asked handing her the baby's bottle. The nurse inspects the milk and lightly chuckles.

Nurse: "Very much so Mr Mhlongo. You see, the mother's body produces milk according to her baby's need for nutrients. In no time, that champ will be big as a ball."

Lifa: "Thank you." She walks out. I finally finish breastfeeding and hand the baby to Lifa so he can burp him.

Me: "You can burp him." he smiles widely before carefully placing him on his chest and rubbing his back softly until he burps.

Lifa: "I want to do a skin-to-skin baby." I chuckle and help him by undressing the baby while he takes his t-shirt off. He takes him from me and sits on the couch and then gently puts the baby on his bare chest and covers both of them with the baby blanket.


The nurse had brought in a baby cot for the baby. Our little Mfana was sleeping now and my man was cuddling me.

Me: "Do you think we'll ever find peace?"

Lifa: "We will baby, eventually. Don't worry about that girl, nobody is bigger than God in this world so she won't be the last one to laugh." I sigh heavily. I wasn't even going to pretend as if everything happening with my brother and Nelihle didn't affect me because it did. I really wish I could have the guts or strength rather than ignore it all and just focus on my little family.

Me: "Thank you." this man had my whole heart in his hand. He never failed to show how much he loves me and values me in his life. He has always made it a point to fight for me.

Lifa: "The boys miss you." I smile emotionally.

Me: "I miss them too, so much."

Lifa: "We should have a girl next." I glance at him.

Me: "Maybe in ten years." he laughs making me laugh too.

Me: "I am serious."

Lifa: "Okay sthandwa sami."

Me: "When are our mothers coming to see us?"

Lifa: "I was thinking it would be best if we just surprise them when you get discharged."

Me: "Oh?" I mean why...

Lifa: "This could be something that will get their minds off things and also make them happy."

Me: "I understand. Any updates on uncle's case?"

Lifa: "It seems like he will be staying there for a while." I sigh.

Me: "I feel so bad. He was only trying to help me and my family and now we got him into trouble."

Lifa: "Don't feel bad baby, he will pull through. UBaba is working on something."

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